Raspberry Pink

While making dessert with some frozen raspberries I had a great idea!  (Doesn't happen very often!)  Why not try dyeing some fabric with some frozen rasps!

I put some fabric in a bowl, added a few frozen rasps and covered them with boiling water.  Then I stirred and stirred for a few minutes. 

Took the fabric out of the bowl and ran it under the cold tap.  Very important note to self -  if doing this again, put the rasps in some muslin so that all the little seeds don't get caught up in the fabric!!!!!!!

Ta da!  Got a lovely pale pink colour in my Aida fabric - all ready for my next cross stitch project.

Had any brilliant ideas recently?

Love, Liz


Sheila said…
That looks so pretty. Can't wait to see what you stitch on it.
kate steeper said…
If you chuck a fistful of table salt in the raspberry juice it helps to fix the colour
Mary said…
Such a pretty pink color! I had a good laugh about picking seeds out of the fabric....looking forward to seeing your pretty pink stitch. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever
What a lovely idea, Liz, although picking out the seeds can't have been much fun! xxx
Julie said…
Pretty spring pink
Raewyn said…
Gosh what a brainwave that was! The pink fabric is lovely - I'm guessing you will need to set the colour somehow?
RJ said…
You sure did get a lovely shade of pink, Liz. What a great idea too. Never thought about the seeds...LOL! Looking forward to see what you stitch on that lovely fabric. Hope you are having a lovely weekend. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

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