Happy stitcher

Hope you are not getting fed up with all my cross stitch posts - I'm definitely addicted ... at the moment!  I have been blown away by all the lovely work I've seen on stitchers' sites and realised that I needed some new patterns.  (I did, honestly!)

Waited eagerly for the postie on Thursday (he doesn't usually arrive till about three hereabouts) and was not disappointed!  These lovelies arrived!  Got them from The Patchwork Rabbit website - a UK company based in Wiltshire, they have a great selection of patterns and other bits and pieces.  So far have only ordered patterns from them, but the service was great and I received my patterns promptly the next day.  Will certainly use them again - trying hard not to get a wish list going!!!!!!

Made a start on this cutie - Welcome Home by Country Cottage Needleworks.  Can't wait to finish it and make a start on the others!  Got a couple of Christmas patterns.  I know it is early, but sometimes I leave these things too late and don't finish in time.  Frosty looks sooooo cute!

Hope you are enjoying a crafty weekend!

Love, Liz


Oh I love your cross stitch! It's beautiful...don't stop!
I know the feeling (I quilt)...it's a good addiction...espcially since it makes others smile...
Crimson Kettle said…
You've got a good selection there, you'll be whizzing through them dying to get to the next one!
Julie said…
You've made a great start on your new stash.
Frosty certainly does look cute.
Maggie said…
Great choice of charts, and who could get fed up with seeing posts about cross stitch? not me :)
RJ said…
What great patterns you received Liz. And that is really quick service. I would be very pleased too. Love your house already...it is going to be an adorable stitch when done. Have a great week. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever
Linda P said…
It's great to have a craft hobby that you love to do. I find it difficult to do counted cross stitch these days. I wish you could get those transfers you used to iron onto fabric to get a picture you can just embroider over. Then I might enjoy doing some sewing again.
Donna G. said…
What lovely patterns! Have fun stitching them. Post plenty of stitching blog updates. I enjoy reading them.
butterfly said…
Lovely stitching and goodies .
Have fun.
You might be addicted, but if your addiction is something fun and creative like cross stitch, surely that's a good thing! Love the patterns you chose, and there's no fear of leaving things too late for Christmas this way ;-) xxx
Raewyn said…
It's fun being excited by what you do!! Enjoy your stitching!
Sheila said…
How gorgeous are they?
I am expecting a parcel from Patchwork Rabbit....hopefully today.....and another one from Peakside Needleworks. So exciting.
All of my patterns are Christmas :)

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