Odd One Out!

Couldn't resist showing you these photos of the ducklings at the Highland Folk Musuem.

There's always one!!!

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
awww what little sweeties! :)
New follow from TheUndomesticDiva
mamasmercantile said…
How cute are they?
Anonymous said…
So cute x
VioletSky said…
That's a cute brood she's got there!
Kezzie said…
That is JUST adorable!xx
So cute ... just one of the gang ;)
justjill said…
I would love to share your duck picture. Would that be ok. My blog explains why! Email justjill_uk@yahoo.co. uk
Mary said…
Adorable! Especially the one who stands out from the crowd! :)
Vix said…
That's just lovely! x
Curtise said…
So sweet! And it's good to stand out from the crowd! xxx
Unknown said…
Cute, how did that happen! :)
Little Nell said…
That one will go far!
They are so cute !!!!!!!! I fell in love with these photos !!!!!!!!
Thank you , Liz !!!!!
Unknown said…
I have just found your pretty delightful blog & am enjoying going through some of your older posts.
The ducks are so cute, we had a picnic with a lovely gentle duck on Thursday.
We seem to have a lot in common.
Enjoy this beautiful rainy day.
Fondly Michelle
CJ said…
Absolutely adorable, I wonder where that little yellow chap came from though?! CJ xx

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