It's not what they say, but how they say it!

If you thought my doll Poor Margaret was strange then you might not like this post.

I'm sure we've all had a talking doll at some point.  I had one, her name was Joan, she said "Mama" if you bent her forward.  I loved her very much, but eventually, probably due to overuse, she started sounding like a constipated sheep and just uttered a sort of "mwa" bleating sound!

I discovered on the Smithsonian (I do the daily Sudoku) website an article about talking dolls.  Seemingly way back in time when the phonograph was just in its infancy in 1890, Thomas Edison's company made dolls that spoke!  Can you imagine the novelty that would have been in those days?!  Someone has now managed to record what these sounded like.  Warning - they are very spooky!  Go to the Smithsonian site - but not if you are of a delicate constitution!

I did warn you!

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said...

Amazing, I have never come across anything like it.

Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

Ha ha, I won't listen thanks or I won't be able to sleep tonight x

Mum said...

Oo - er! I lasted about 5 seconds.

Curtise said...

Fantastic! I never had a talking doll - I know, a deprived childhood, but I'll get over it... xxx

flowers on my table said...

Hi Liz, I don't think I will be listening to that doll as I think china dolls are creepy when they don't talk! Very interesting though. Linda x

Unknown said...

oh my! That is terrifying!

VioletSky said...

Well, I was brave and listened. Not something I'd want for my doll!! I remember having a Chatty Cathy (or probably her much cheaper 'friend'). You had to pull a string from the back of her neck.

September Violets said...

These sound amazing, but I think it would creep out a little child, especially way back then!

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