Colclough Floral China

A lovely friend gave me this gorgeous floral Colclough tea set.

I love the pale shades of blue and pink.  What a great friend to think of me!

The pattern number is Colclough 8378.

The weather has been a bit stormy here in Greenock over the last few days, but hopefully things are settling down now.  Hope the weather has not been too unkind where you are.

Love, Liz


mamasmercantile said...

I haven't seen any Colclough china for a long time you have a beautiful set and a very generous friend.

Mum said...

What beautiful muted colours on the tea set and what a great friend. The sea in Blackpool was worse than yours today.

Linda said...

So beautiful! You have a lovely blog. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.

primrosesattic said...

Very pretty set. Such a nice friend.

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Pretty cups and saucers!

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