Pretty Embroidered Cloth

I found this lovely embroidered tray cloth in a charity shop recently.  To be honest, I found it a few weeks ago, but somehow, it always ended up at the bottom of the ironing pile!  Now, how did that happen?!

Beautiful sewn - the colours are still so bright.

I'm finding it more and more difficult to find pretty things at charity shops, perhaps people are a bit more careful what they give away these days!

 Love, Liz


Fiona said…
What a lovely find...and no stains!
Paulette said…
It is really a very pretty cloth, a lot of work went into that piece. Glad it found a home where it is appreciated and loved.
You really do find some lovely things on your charity shop visits!
It is lovely Liz, such pretty colours! xx
Robyn of Oz said…
that is a very pretty cloth. I think you're right about such finds. They're beginning to turn up in vintage shops at a premium price.
Love this tray cloth ... such beautiful work! I don't find many pretty embroidered cloths anymore either, but I don't think I'm looking in the right store. Usually I only find this sort of thing in an antique store rather than the thrift shop. Wendy x
Curtise said…
My local hospice charity shop has a whole basket full of embroidered tray cloths at the moment, I bet they all came from the same person. I have a few but really can't buy any more, although I feel a bit sad leaving them behind, after all the effort and time someone put into making them... Yours is a beauty! xxx
I don't know if blogger is playing up or my computer mouse is. I tried to leave a comment before so not sure if you got it. However it said, You do find some lovely things when you visit charity shops.
Rachael said…
I love how clean it is too, I come across so many vintage table cloths and linens at estate sales but they always have so many stubborn stains in that I haven't a clue how to remove!
janice15 said…
I think it just lovely thank you for sharing with love Janice
sky-blu-pink said…
Oh one of my favourite things to find in the charity shop! This is a lovely example.
Claire said…
I have a few of these but none are the right size for my table!

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