New Knitted Tea Cosy

I've recently finished knitting this tea cosy.

The colours are a bit more subdued that I usually use, but I like it!

Looks good with my favourite mug.

Love, Liz


gilly said…
A perfect match! And I LOVE that mug too :-)
Jennifer Hays said…
It's really pretty. I love the vertical ridging effect down the sides. It also looks sort of vintage, very nice work.
Very pretty. I can't drink tea with biscuits I can with cake though.
Deb said…
I love both the cozy and the tea-cup. Deb
Mum said…
Lovely - I must knit another tea-cosy. I gave the first two I did away.
Love from Mum
Unknown said…
Your tea cosy's lovely, I love the colours! And, being a bit of a mug hoarder I have to say that's a great mug! x
I love your tea cosies. And the mug is perfect! xo
Connie said…
Oh it does look good with that mug. What a great mug!
Lovely - and I love the mug! xx
Oh sweet
I like the blue tea cosy on your side pictures, I want everything blue seems like,since it's my favorite color
sky-blu-pink said…
Lovely colours for this cosy, looks like my tea (strong) and my mother's (weak)
Di said…
Hi Liz

Gosh I found you in a roundabout way! I mentioned Liberty Bodices on my craft blog and some gals had to Google to see what they were. So I also Googled out of curiosity and came across your lovely blog! I just spent almost two hours browsing down Memory Lane (think we're the same era!). Am now going to follow you - and rummage to see if I have any nice embroidered table linen.

Hugs, Di xx
Claire said…
love the mug! I need a tea cosy.

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