Woolworth Project Books

In among the Ladybird Books I found last month were these -

Woolworth Project Books, most of which are from around 1973.  They contained lots of information on a particular subject plus little projects you could do yourself. Woolworth - still sadly missed!

I had forgotten all about them.  I have some in a variety of subjects - the list of available titles is extensive!

Does anyone else remember these?

Love, Liz


Alpa said...

Love your dainty blog Liz! My goodness, I would love to get my hands on that Foreign Cookery book! Great find!

I also miss Woolworth's! Our Woolworth actually had a small diner in the back of the store where they made the most delicious fries, apple pies, and milkshakes. Not healthy, but solid diner fare :-)

gillyflower said...

I don't remember these, yet I would have been 13 at the time. But I do miss good old Woolies! It was an institution, and there's been nothing like it since.
You have a great collection Liz!
Gill xx

Amy at love made my home said...

I don't remember these at all, although I am of an age have read them! I suppose that there are different versions of these sort of things now, but I don't ever seem to see this sort of thing when shopping for the small people in my life which is a shame. I hope that you have enjoyed your reminiscing! xx

Amanda Makes said...

Oh how I used to love Woolies! Thanks for dropping in Liz....love your blog xxxx

Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

I don't recall them but they look fab,

Mum said...

I had a shelf full of them in the school where I worked. We never did use them!
Love from Mum

Anne said...

I dont remember seeing any of those Liz and I was a regular in Woolies in the 70's, although mostly buying 45's with my pocket money!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, these are great finds, Liz! I don't remember them, but I did love Woolworth's. Especially when we would get the catalog every year. We would spend hours pouring over every single thing. We had a Woolworth's in town with beautiful wooden floors and wood and glass cases. Too bad they didn't preserve these great old stores. xo Karen

sky-blu-pink said...

Oh how marvellous are these! I miss Woolworths sorely too, Wilkinsons goes some way to fill the gap, but it's not the same!

Vix said...

I think most of us grew up with those, I'd forgotten all about them, thanks for the step down memory lane! x

Jacqui Wise said...

I remember having a few of these on rocks/fossils/crystals which I used to collect as a child - think I still have them stored away somewhere. Must have another sort out one day! Happy reading.

Old Magnolia Tree said...

Wow what a great find! You lucky lady. I haven't been lucky in my thrift Shop shopping at all in months. :((

Julie said...

Oh my goodness Liz, I had a lot of these growing up. WHat memories you've just evoked!!

Nick Cooper said...

These were originally published by the Milk Marketing Board, and thus available with your daily delivery of the white stuff. Woolworths snapped up the whole range later on. Many of the books were written by experts in the field, so some are now quite sought after.

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