Original Vintage Tea Cosies

I was recently given a small box of china and in amongst it I found these two old knitted tea cosies. 

They are hand knit and are still in great condition.  I particularly like this one.  It has a separate lining and looks like it has been made from oddments of yarn.

I love the mini pompoms and rosettes used to decorate it.

The other one is much simpler, but still lovely.  I wonder how old they are?

Lovely additions to my vintage collection and I might copy the colour choices in some of my own knitted tea cosies.

Love, Liz

Why not visit my other blog The Greenockian - today I've written about
the perils of wearing a crinoline!


Robyn of Oz said…
They are really cool! Enjoy them. There is nothing like a good cup of tea, made in a pot that has been standing with its cosy. Lovely. :)
mamasmercantile said…
What a lovely find, a lovely addition to any vintage collection.
How lucky you were to find such nice surprises! They really are lovely and great inspirations! Thanks for your visit and kind comments!
A lovely find, I particularly like the bottom one.
Very nice! Love the colors and pom poms!
Based on the designs and colours I would say that the bottom one is older that the first one, but they are probably 60's. Hope that you can make use of them! xx
What a wonderful surprise! They are very sweet - love the unusual color combinations, too! Enjoy your tea :) xo Karen
very nice teapot cozies! a great find! I love the colors and the details, just beautiful.

Hi Liz, what a fun find! Sounds like they made their way into the right home! Thanks for visiting my blog.
sky-blu-pink said…
Super, i am sure you will be able to sneak a little fo their gab design into your own creations.

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