Going Crochet Crazy!

I've been going crochet crazy over the last few weeks, making squares of all sizes, using all the colours of yarn that I have in my stash.

Thinking of using them to make a sofa blanket.  There's only one problem - I can't decide what colour to use as the edging!

Usually I edge with red, but I think I might go for something different this time.  What would you suggest?

And for Helga - this is the Queenie thingy ... its a biscuit barrel!

Love, Liz


Amy at love made my home said...

Hello Liz, new to your blog, but looking forward to reading along with you. Your crochet is lovely! xx

Protector of Vintage said...

Love the squares..very cheerful!

camp and cottage living said...

Hi I'm a new visitor!
I love all of your bright Granny Squares. Your blanket will brighten any room.

Deborah said...

Love the idea of red edging what about a blue? ;) love your barrel too with the queen on, love anything queeny!

Bee happy x

PS pop over to my blog I am having a birthday giveaway x

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

What about the dark colour? I'm not sure if its black or blue, whatever you choose it will look fab :) x

mamasmercantile said...

What a wonderful looking blanket. Will make any room look cheerful with all those lovely colours. Looking forward to seeing the end result.

RedSetter said...

I'll stick to my usual and suggest purple or lilac if you don't want something so dark. I'm sure it will be gorgeous no matter what colour you eventually choose.

sky-blu-pink said...

Yellow? Or blue? Such a lovely selection of colours and sizes!

Rachael said...

I like the idea of a blue or a cream edging. It looks like you've got a smashing pile of motifs there to sew together!

Jumble Tree said...

I'd be tempted to go blue I think, but it'll be gorgeous whatever you choose, just love all your colourful squares x

Jacqui Wise said...

Love all your beautiful squares. I love blue so would probably go for a mid blue (you've used a nice soft lilac blue that might look good too). Look forward to seeing your finished creation!

Curtains in My Tree said...

I have my grandmothers crochet cover

trim yours with blue or purple ?

Curtise said...

Whatever colour you choose will look great, I'm sure.
Helga IS Queenie! xxx

Marjorie said...

Love the squares. I like the idea of using black, it will make the other colours pop.

Robyn of Oz said...

Love the squares. The pinks with a touch of red is gorgeous.
I'd workout the layout of the blanket before settling on a colour to edge it with.
It will be gorgeous whatever you decide, because you have such an eclectic range of colours.

Gillian Roe said...

What gorgeous piles of colour! I'd edge it in something neutral maybe, like cream, white, black or grey. But red would also be an excellent choice! x

melanie said...

Lovely crochet! How about edging the blanket in a nice blue? :) x

Needles and Wool said...

Wow such beautiful colors! I love all the little squares and once you put them all together they will look wonderful as a blanket :)
Take care,

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