Sweet Little Wooden Clothes Hangers

I found these lovely little wooden clothes hangers in a local charity shop last week.

Yup!  All three for 50p - bargain!!  There are two normal hangers and one for trousers.  They are for children's clothes and so sweet.  Of course I'm already thinking of what to do with them ... paint them white, perhaps?
After yesterday, I had to show some more from my newly discovered Ladybird Book collection.  Of course it had to be "The Story of Clothes and Costume".  Its from the Ladybird 'Achievements' Book series.  This one was written by Richard Bowood and was first published by Wills & Hepworth Ltd in 1964.

The illustrations by Robert Ayton are just amazing.
Love this page on "Clothes of Today" - read the wording - its a hoot!

Going to be an Op Shop Show Off this week and join the lovely Max in New Zealand.  Come on over and share your brilliant charity/thrift/op shop finds.

Love, Liz


Lea said...

Hilarious! But I have to agree with comfort and good colours!

Curtains in My Tree said...

I have some of those hangers and din't realize they were collectible now. I still use mine
That book would be interesting to read I am sure , I like anything about previous fashion of women

Anne said...

I think you should join in with the Ladybird Tuesday posts Liz!

Patricia said...

Love those old books. I can't imagine what would be written about today's fashions for adults and children! x

Schulz Family said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I collect wooden coathangers too. I find that trousers do not crease when hung on them like they do on skinny metal or plastic ones. What a great find

Unknown said...

Haha! Mother wears trousers which would have shocked her grandparents in their day! The good old 60's, huh? Love this find and love those wooden hangers. I can so see them in white:) x

Unknown said...

woops! that last comment was from me, I didn't realize I was signed into my son's account still:)

sky-blu-pink said...

Wishing you many hours of fun with your ladybirds! Thanks for the heads up re the Op shop sharing, I must go and have a wee look,

Marjorie said...

Love the Ladybird books, many memories for me too.
You could also paste a sticker or paint a pretty design on the hangers after painting them white.

Helga said...

The hangers are darling, but I am completely distracted by the Queenie thing in the background........?!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Love your hangers - they will be darling painted white. Isn't it fun to look at fashions and how they have changed? Love those illustrations - the hoop skirts are just amazing. Not something to sit down in, though! Ooops! The last illustration reminds me of my childhood....Love the car:) xo Karen

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a new visitor to your blog.I like your latest charity shop finds. I like a rummage round charity shops and junk shops too. Will keep coming back to see what other treasures you find.
Marion x

Tylsä Mörökölli said...

Oh, what a lovely book you have! I'm sure there are a lot of interesting pics ;)

Max said...

ahh, so your another lady(bird) collector like aussie kylie, there are a few of you out there. i can totally see the appeal. let me kn ow if there are any in particular you are looking for for your collection, i often see them around x

Curtise said...

Ahh, lovely little hangers, and "easy and gay" clothes from 1964 (my birth year, incidentally)- fabulous! xxx

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