Vintage Cookers

I'm looking for a new cooker.  Let's see ...


Don't think so!


Ah well, no bread making for a wee while!  (Ha ha - as if!!!!!)

Love, Liz


Mum said…
Oh my. The Imperial Oxford looks like a nasty looking robot! "I'm coming to eat you!!!"
Love from Mum
Rachael said…
Wow that Imperial Range looks like a beast and a half!
sky-blu-pink said…
How did anyone ever plan to get their dinner on the table on time!
Well I am sure any of the above will do a good job of cooking for you as they did for lots of other kitchen ladies
Tammy's in Love said…
what a face while kneading the dough; I spose if I had to put it into the vintage oven I might not look too happy either! CUTE graphics!
I love vintage stoves so this post makes me happy! I actually have an electric one quite like the first one and used it for a few years before it gave out. Now it is in my shed waiting to be used in my future greenhouse as a potting station. The stove I have now is an original 1961 Hotpoint and cooks like a charm.
Hope you find your dream stove soon.
Hope you are feeling better, too. Hugs xo Karen
Connie said…
Oh my. I complain. But we really do have it rather easy these days. And we don't have to wear corsets.
Used-to-Bees said…
The look on that woman's face - domestic drudgery!
Anne said…
Oh dear, looking at those makes you thankful to be living in the times we do.
Catherine said…
I love the second one! So vintage.
Marjorie said…
Good luck with your cooker search. None of the ones you displayed would be welcome in my kitchen.

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