People's Palace, Glasgow

Visited the People's Palace in Glasgow at the weekend.

Love the intricate cast iron framework of the Winter Gardens.

The People's Palace is a wonderful museum which really shows the social history of the city of Glasgow.

Well worth a visit if you are in Glasgow over the Christmas holidays.
Blog Error
Has anyone else been getting a strange "Error" message when they sign into their blog?  Does anyone know how to fix this?

Love, Liz


Kylie said…
Hi Liz (stranger!),

I know that I haven't been around much lately, but I had to drop by to wish you and your family a lovely Christmas and a happy and healthy 2014.

Love, Kylie x
it looks lovely to visit I always like a museum
I haven't got that blog error however at my work computer I lost my etsy shop page and it won't stay up even though I have put it back on twice ?? computers

Merry Christmas
Jacqui Wise said…
The iron framework is beautiful. Have a good Christmas.
Petunia Pill said…
I've gotten the error too! No idea how to fix it! Am hoping someone does! Glad to know it wasn't just me! Something about a file being messed up and that further problems may occur? Right?
Erna said…
Thanks foe sharing these lovely photo's Liz, and sorry no error for me..
Have a wonderful Christmas
Erna x
Oh my! My family would love a visit to Glascow any weekend! I see you have had a cold recently too. We had bad flu and I feel like I have lost a couple of weeks! Terrible at Christmas. Also terrible for your stove to go out this time of year! Seems like blogger often has these funny glitches, but I have had none lately. I hope things are all ironed out and that you have a lovely Christmas! So nice that you stopped by!
Looks like a beautiful place to visit! Love that stained glass window.
I do get those 'error' messages when I am working on a post. They just randomly appear and say that there was an error in publishing even though I haven't hit 'publish' yet. So far I have been getting by ignoring it. :) xo Karen
Patricia said…
Your museum trip looked fun. I've recently had a few problems with blogger too. When I open my dashboard it sometimes says that I haven't got any blogs to view - so I come out of it and then open the page again and hey presto they're there. Lots of silly things happening lately. Have a Merry Christmas x
sky-blu-pink said…
I missed this one! Fab iron architecture and stained glass!

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