Retro Knitted Tea Cosies

I've been busy!

Just finished knitting two retro tea cosies.  The first one is in shades of brown - perhaps a bit of an unusual colour combo for me, but goes really well with this pretty Sutherland fine bone china.

My second one is in pretty shades of pink.  Looks great with this Cath Kidston mug.

 If you'd like to purchase either of these or have one  knit in a different colour combination then get in touch.  My email address is on the side panel of my blog.

Time to start another project!

Love, Liz


Ruth Kelly said…
I like the pink one.
Deborah said…
Your tea cozies are absolutely charming!!!
Vix said…
You are clever! I'm not usually a fan of brown but the first one's beautifully retro! x
Anonymous said…
There is something very retro about the brown one x
Cindy Swanson said…
Hi Liz! I just had to tell you that after reading your comment on my lighthouse post, I googled the Cloch Lighthouse and it was so beautiful, I had to add a picture of it to my post!
Have a great day!

Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
tea cozies are always so cute
Anne said…
They look great Liz. Sadly I dont use a teapot but I often knit them for friends teapots!
sky-blu-pink said…
I do like the brown one, as it is an unusual colour choice for you!
Shaheen said…
Your tea cosies are fab. I just picked up 2 egg cosy from a lady who makes and sells them at the local supermarket. One was shaped like a thistle - I loved it as I used to live in Scotland up until a couple of years ago and the other of a character. Hope to share. Thanks for sharing yours talents.
Although I'm not normally a pink person, I do like the pink one but they are both great. x
vintage grey said…
So sweet and pretty!!! xo Heather
Oh these are so cute. I've always loved these retro designs but have found that I can never get the tension right when doing the stranding at the back so I tend to doing more slip stitch designs instead.
Rosie xx
Just as a knitted tea cosy should look, just super! :) x
Unknown said…
Those are lovely, dee x
These are lovely! You are very talented. x
Unknown said…
Ooh - these are absolutely GOOORGEOUS!!!

Sarah xxx

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