What Would You Do?

Here's my new baby!  Isn't she gorgeous!

I got this lovely vintage china cabinet from a charity shop on Sunday.  I'd been keeping an eye on it for ages, but at £60 was far too expensive for me. 
Then, last week - result!!!!  It was reduced to £20!!!!!  Immediately it was mine, all mine! 

But I have a dilemma!  I'm going to paint the exterior white, but what to do with the inside?  There's this gold coloured embossed wallpaper on it.  Do I leave it or take it off and re-line with something a bit more ....... well, floral ........ or perhaps something plain?

Hmmm ... what would you do?

Love, Liz

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Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

Oh its lovely, lucky you! Have your tried your china in there before you decide what to do with the backing.

Kylie said...

What a bargain Liz! Your new baby is beautiful, congratulations!
I think you know what my suggestion would be...don't you?

(I'd leave that lovely wallpaper - I think it looks fab now, and will look even fabber(?) when you paint your baby white)

Rose H (UK) said...

It's a cracker Liz. I have lined mine with gold damask fabric fixed in place with drawing pins then I dotted hot glue onto the heads of the pins and attached matching gimp.
Have fun with it whatever you decide :o)
Rose H

Protector of Vintage said...

Oh, that china hutch is so lovely!!!

Unknown said...

Wow what a bargain, it's beautiful. With regards to the paper my first thought would of been floral but if you're putting floral patterned china in it there's the danger of it looking very busy. I quite like the paper already in it, maybe paint it then see how it looks xx

Vix said...

I've got one too (£5 from ebay but we did have a 20 mile drive to pick it up!)
I painted mine in Crown's Fairy Dust (matt pink) and keep my fancy bags and hats in it. x

gillyflower said...

Good things come to those who wait...well done for holding out, what a great deal!
I agree that once the outside is painted you will know whether to leave it or not. As it's embossed it would look interesting painted, maybe a turquoise or pale blue, or whatever takes your fancy.
What fun!Can't wait to see it finshed with some of your lovely china insde.
Gill xx

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Oh it's lovely and I recognize that wallpaper - we had something similar at home back in the day I say keep it - well at least see what it looks like once you've painted the cupboard white. xx

Plain Jane said...

I'm going with the general consensus here - try your china first and then maybe use something plain to highlight rather than overpower it. Although you could use something really jazzy and leave it empty. Hmm ... Jane x

Ruth Kelly said...

The paper looks nice already but have fun making a decision about it.

Mum said...

I'd paint it, put your china in it and then decide.
Love from Mum

GardenOfDaisies said...

Hmmm, if it was me, I would take the paper off and just allow the wood tone to be the background. (I would only paint the interior if the wood was not in good condition.) Your china pieces will probably add all the pops of color you need.

Anonymous said...

How fabulous! I would fill it with things of beauty and live with it for a couple of days before deciding on the baking paper xx

Helga said...

I quite like that paper, myself, but I bet you can come up with something better! X

Sharon said...

That's Lovely , what a bargain.

Connie said...

I love the paper. I think it will look fabulous with the white and all your beautiful things. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Great find and I think it was meant for you. I like a wholepotofloves idea of seeing what you perhaps put inside.I do quite like the current paper.

gilly said...

Wow, great find, and patience well rewarded. I'd paint the outside too and then decide about the inside. Either way, it's going to be fab and I can't wait to see the end result. Have fun!

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

It's beautiful, the wallpaper is lovely too....I like the idea of painting it duck egg blue, your china will be fab in there! :) x

Anne said...

I think I agree with several of the other comments Liz, try your china in there first and then decided.Too much floral wallpaper(if you went that way) could detract from your china.

Allison said...

what a find....and it was yours after all that waiting...meant to be!. id leave the paper until after you've painted , then decide. but im thinking the paper will look fab!....cant wait to see! xx

sky-blu-pink said...

I think I would leave the paper as it is, it's a subtle small print which would set off a selection of your gorgeous crockery collection beautifully. What a great find! I too would have baulked at £60 and hung on for a reduction, given that 'brown furniture' is apparently not fashionable at the moment.

Miss Magpie said...

Personally I wouldn't paint it at all! It's got such a lovely patina to the wood why ruin it?

Unknown said...

I'm soo jealous, its is beautiful, how about live with that wall paper for a few weeks and change it later if you feel the need...love your blog

Emma Kate at Paint and Style said...

Great bargain and just the ticket for displaying your china! How about leaving it, see how you like it when it's painted, and if it annoys you re wallpaper over it in something more 'you'? xx

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