Colourful Crochet Baby Blanket

I've been going crochet crazy this week and finished another little baby blanket.

This time I used a lovely shade of deep purple to outline the granny squares.

It measures 66cm x 72cm - just right for buggy or car seat.

Now on to the next one!

Love, Liz


Vintage Sheet Addict said...

It's absolutely gorgeous, what yarn have you used? :) x

Vix said...

Loving those colours! x

gillyflower said...

Gorgeous! Love the purple, such a lovely shade!
Gill xx

Paulette said...

This is my favorite pattern for a baby blanket and yours look phenomenal.

The Faerie Factory said...

It's lovely, I like that the squares are all different sizes it's very effective ~ Sarah x

Little Nell said...

The variation in size makes it appear a little like a crazy patchwork granny square blanket! Very effective.

AlisonB43 said...

Another lovely blanket. I have bitten the bullet and started making a 'granny blanket' in the bold 4ply wool surplus to requirements currently sitting in Mum's attic!! Actually it looks much better made up than expected - although still love lilac, mauve and dusty pink colours best!

Anne said...

The colours go really well together.Its lovely X

Mum said...

The bug hits hard.
Love from Mum

Unknown said...

I completely agree with little Nell: it looks crazy but in the same time that is exactely its gipsylike charm.

Some baby will be very cosy under this blanket!

Connie said...

Perfect for a little bohemian baby.

Robyn of Oz said...

Lovely work! There's something special about granny squares. And I love how well you get the squares together. Nice.

Curtise said...

The purple is a lovely shade, what a pretty blanket. xxxx

Unknown said...

It's absolutely gorgeous!

Sarah xxx

Crafty in the Med said...

Hello Liz
I've got to start thinking about making a baby's blanket very soon as my great niece has just announced she is expecting. She's quite young and very into bright colours not the usual pastels for a baby.I thought I should do it in some bright snazzy colours. Your blanket looks really great and the colours are wonderfully vivid. Its a very happy looking blanket too so I am thinking something along these lines. I just have to wait until I know if it'll be a boy or a girl although I'd say the colours you have used would suit either.

keep well

Amanda xx

Terra said...

A rainbow of beautiful colors.

sky-blu-pink said...

Lucky baby to be wrapped up in such a beautiful blanket!

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