Toy Shop Print by Anton Pieck

I love these illustrations by the Dutch illustrator Anton Pieck (1895-1987).  They are so Dickensian in character.  I've had a few of these prints on my wall for ages - almost forgot they were there.

This one of an old fashioned toy shop is my favourite.

There is so much detail - look at all the little toys.

I like the warmth in this one of an old tavern.

Love the different characters - especially this sad old man and the little dog trying to comfort him - sweet.

Love, Liz


Terra said…
These prints are charming. I imagine you living on the west coast of Scotland, my husband and I watched a tv show about the Shetland Islands and the area and it is beautiful.
Mum said…
So beautiful getting lost in another world.
Love from Mum
How gorgeous! I love the toy shop one too. x
That old tavern reminds me of the tavern in the Harry Potter films, can't remember what it's called though. x
Sharon said…
I love those illustrations also just beautiful
sky-blu-pink said…
Gorgeously nostalgic!

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