Touva Postage Stamps

I came across these unusual postage stamps recently.

Love all the details in the illustrations.

Seemingly, Touva is a place in central Asia, near Mongolia.  I'm ashamed to admit that I'd never heard of it before.

Great stamps, though.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.  Its freezing here in Greenock, but perhaps tomorrow will be nicer (I live in hope)!

Love, Liz


Paulette said...

They are very pretty indeed.

sky-blu-pink said...

We went to a concert by singers from Touva a few years ago, they can sing, hum and whistle all at the same time, amazing sound! Love the fact the stamps are triangular.

Plain Jane said...

How bizarre - especially the triangular ones. Love the fact that when you look closely there is such fine detail x Jane

Old Magnolia Tree said...

Wow these are amazing. I've never seen stamps so detailed before or triangular for that matter! Nor have I ever heard of that country either so you're not the only one there.
Rosie xx

Erna said...

Oh Liz they are beautiful..I have sent you some Dutch sunshine,it's getting better here, the sun is shining and the temperature is improving
ERna x

Mum said...

I've never heard of Touva either. I shall just go and look it up. Very unusual shapes there.
Love from Mum

Miss Simmonds Says said...

really interesting stamps, fantastic detail on them

claire said...

great stamps! It's lovely here down south, hope you get some sun soon!

Curtise said...

Aren't they beautiful? No, I hadn't heard of Touva either, but it produces interesting stamps, clearly! xxx

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