Knit Your Own ... Knee Cap!

Yes, you can ... if you really want too!  I've got the pattern!
  If the weather gets any colder I might actually try these!!!

Or how about knitting your man some pants!  Can you begin to imagine how uncomfortable these would be???

You might remember this little "Woolly Comforts"  booklet from Pandora'sBreadbin.  these are some of the other patterns from it.  It was published by Hunt, Barnard & Co Ltd for the Weldon's Practical Needlework series.  I think it is probably from about the 1920s or early 30s?

There are some lovely photographs and illustrations to make up for the strange bits and pieces!

There's even a pattern for Granny's shawl and I repeat ... this is NOT me!!!!!!!!

Love, Liz

I've noticed that Google Reader is stopping.  I read blog posts in Dashboard - will that be affected?  Hope someone can tell me.



Vintage Jane said…
Perhaps you could start a new trend?! M x
Connie said…
Hello Liz, I am so happy that you came to visit and even happier that you are now my newest follower. I love these old knitting and crochet patterns. You should think about doing a before and after photo with that grandma crocheting and a modern day grandma. What a difference, right? Sixty and Seventy sure has changed through the years.
Have a glorious day.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Patricia said…
Those patterns are definitely a blast from the past. My gran used to knit similar garments when I was a child (not the 20s or 30s I hasten to add) more the 50s. Do you know Liz I don't even know what Google reader is - am I thick or what? Normally pretty ok with techie stuff but this I'm not sure about. Maybe because I do most of my reading on my iPad. Like you I always go onto the dashboard and check out the posts.
Patricia x
Annie Cholewa said…
Brilliant post! I have a lot of these old patterns and they are such fan.

Re. blog reading via your dashboard ... as far as I know Google will have to retire Friend Connect before you have a problem. Sadly it's likely they will, but I'm hearing they don't have plans to do so any time soon
Chortle, these are brilliant! Who has a man willing to model them for us?

I read posts off the dashboard usually too, it's handy to have it all in one place rather than having my blog open and a reader. Plus I can't face having to find everyone. I think the dashboard is staying put but I don't know for sure. Will let you know if I find out, you do the same.
Ruth Kelly said…
I don't think I would care for a knee cap.
sky-blu-pink said…
How once refuel! I do really like the last scarf complete with the little 'pockets' to keep hands warm.
Plain Jane said…
I think the expression on the woman's face in the top photo tells us that she too is wearing knitted pants - ouch! Jane x
**Anne** said…
What wonderful patterns, he he, and images.
Anne xx
miz-bag said…
i love old knitting books....they are fascinating x
Lynne-Aussie said…
I cant see my hubby wanting to wear a pair of knitted pants here in Australia, although we are cooling down in Autumn, imagine they must get quite itchy lol
Hello! Unfortunately google reader is shutting down so you'll no longer be able to read blogs but your own blog will be fine and you can edit and write new posts as normal, To read other people's blogs you need to transfer to bloglovin'
I love the idea of wooly knee caps, I could've definitely done with a pair this winter... not so sure about the pants though! xx

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