A Bit Dotty!

Had a bit of luck when I was out charity shopping this morning.  I found this lovely little Royal Vale tea set.  It is white with red polka dots and a little gold trimming.

Not my usual choice, but I thought it looked really jolly - it certainly brightened up a freezing Greenock morning for me.

Not sure if it is vintage or more recent, but I'm sure Miss Simmonds might be able to tell me.  Whether it is vintage or not, I think it would fit in with a contemporary table setting as well as mixed with older pieces.

Now I've got to find a place for it - I want to show it off - so I'm going to be an Op-Shop Show Off and join Max.  Then I'm joining Lakota for TaDa!Tuesday.  Come and join us.

 Love, Liz


GardenOfDaisies said…
Oh how cute those are!! Won't they be fun to use when Christmas rolls around again?
Connie said…
These are marvelous. I love the polka dots. I would be doing my happy dance.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)
How pretty is that? And perfect on your tablecloth. x
Little Nell said…
Well-spotted Liz! :)
Jo said…
You've had great finds in charity shops recently. I would guess they're modern judging by the pattern and backstamp but either way they're a very cute set.
Polka dots certainly bring a smile to everyone's face! Sometimes it just doesn't matter how old a piece is, just so long as YOU like it! Wendy
Patricia said…
I just love red and white polka dot anything. What a find. xx
Kestrel said…
That is gorgeous, I'd definitely have snapped that up too, and even jettisoned an existing tea set to make space for it! A great find.
Mum said…
I love it.
Love from Mum
VintageVicki said…
Just checked my china cabinet - I have a few bits of that - 2 cups, saucers & plates and a jug & sugar bowl - very pretty - I think mine came from my Grandad as he was a big collector of bone china.
Irene said…
A fabulous Charity find, I love the dotty design.
Karen said…
Oh... You lucky thing !!
So much polka-dot cuteness- and that is such a nice deep red too !!
Paulette said…
How lovely the red and white polka dot tea cups are, they made me feel happy.
Unknown said…
Just gorgeous! Everything looks better in polka dots! x Laura
Ellie Foster said…
Dear Liz
Ooh, they are gorgeous! I would definitely being doing a happy dance if I saw them! I have one plate of 'Red Domino' from the 1960s with red edging and white dots - wouldn't they be fabulous together? Enjoy your lovely set!
Best wishes
Dawn said…
So lovely - what a great find!
Fiona said…
You had more luck than me at the chazza's this morning. This set is just delightful, red polka dots are a favourite of mine.
Marty said…
So cheerful and sweet! It's fun picking things out that we don't usually gravitate towards, isn't it? :)
sky-blu-pink said…
Too right you want to show them off,they are absolutely gorgeous!! My friend Sam would adore these, she loves red and white spot combos.
jill said…
Very pretty xx
Heather said…
oh these are fun! I think I would enjoy my tea in these for a change! Heather x
Miss Maple said…
Such a pretty tea set! I hope someday we may see it mismatched with other vintage china in full use.
Swallow Barn said…
I am obsessed with polka dots and I think that is fabulous!

Nikki x
They're really lovely! Match your tablecloth too!
Unknown said…
i have the exact same set!!!
Unknown said…
I'm dotty about china teasets that one is peachey!(running out of descriptives for all this loveliness!!)'bye for now Pam.
Max said…
ooh gorgeous, just gorgeous! i have such a weakness for polka dots, i would have had palpitations if i'd have spied these in an op-shop!
Olga Rani said…
What a lovely looking set!
Everydaythings said…
what a lucky find! just perfect and cheery~!
Perfect for comic relief, or indeed to match Marc Jacobs' latest handbag design that he's created for a Diet Coke competition! (I've just won one)

It's nice to change things up occasionally, can't be all about florals all the time!
Vintage Jane said…
One of my favourite designs. M x
According to the porcelain marks bible, these were most likely made between 1955 and 1962. I think they're gorgeous! Such a fantastic pattern xxx
miz-bag said…
shut up!!!! what a find!!! they are blooming gorgeous x 1960's i think x i would fight you for them x x x

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