Keep Warm!

Oh, it is so cold!
There's only one thing for it!


Love, Liz


Paulette said…
Sounds like a good plan for keeping warm, I'm in. Cheers!
Vix said…
I'm off to the pub in my fake furs and wellies! Cheers and have a lovely weekend! xxx
Rachael said…
Its bitterly cold here in Michigan too, I don't know where this spring is hiding!
Plain Jane said…
Purely for the medicinal purpose of keeping warm you understand! Cheers x Jane
Ruth Kelly said…
It's freezin cold here too.
Gillian Roe said…
Very cold here too, it snowed all day and I think it will snow most of tomorrow as well. We will mostly be hiding indoors!

Enjoy your weekend. x
sky-blu-pink said…
Wet and rainy here. Cracking open a bottle is a good idea, but it is still Lent for another week!
**Anne** said…
Just wanted to know I'm following you on Bloglovin. Have a WARM and cosy weekend.
Anne xx
Lynne-Aussie said…
ok its hot hot hot and humid today over here.
Robyn of Oz said…
Scottish whisky is the best antifreeze going!
Bottom's up!
Hot chocolate, warm blanket, some balls of yarn and a crochet hook for me I thinks.
Catherine said…
Happy weekend to you!
Sounds good to me, I'm sitting here with a bottle, but only a hot water bottle!! x
miz-bag said…
snuggly duvet days x just right for cuddling in....
I'm so sick of the weather! I'm starting to look a lot like that lady in that photo xxx

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