Granny's Jewellery Box

I met my uncle for coffee recently and he handed me this -

Its my Granny's old jewellery box.  It always sat on her dressing table in the bedroom and I would be allowed to play with it when I was a little girl.  She always promised me that she would give it to me on my 16th birthday.  Then she said it would be my 21st birthday present, then a wedding present, then she used to joke that she would leave it to me in her will.  It was one of those daft family jokes. 

My Granny
She died in 1997 in her nineties and of course by then I had totally forgotten about the jewellery box. 

Just having it brings back so many happy memories.  I think its made of painted lacquer.  The music still plays, but the little ballerina has broken off, she used twirl round and be reflected in the mirrors in the lid of the box.  Perhaps I could replace her.

Granny never had much jewellery, just a few strings of beads and some brooches.  But that jewellery box seemed full of treasure to me as a young girl.

I'm so happy to have it.  Wonder who I'll leave it to??????

Love, Liz


thriftwood said…
Oh Liz,you've made me all nostalgic! My Dad brought my Mam one of these vey similar when he did his National Service n Korea n the 1950's, and I'd forgotten all about it until now.

Hope you can find a little ballerina for it.

Love Claire xx
That's a treasure and a half! x
Oh, what a treasure! And what a sweet story behind it. I'm sure you could replace the dancer. x
Rachael said…
Wow what a lovely jewelry - certainly was worth waiting for!
elizabeth said…
I think it's lovely and you should definitely replace the ballerina!
Anonymous said…
Oh, we'll done, Liz! My Mom used to have one exactly like this and I too absolutely marvelled at it as a kid and wanted it. Sadly it's long gone. How nice that you have your granny's. :)
Mum said…
My MIL had just the same jewellery box.
Love from Mum
Granny jewellery boxes are the best! :) x
Penny-Rose said…
A beautiful box with lovely memories. It looks like Japanese lacquer to me and is just gorgeous. I agree with the other comments about replacing the ballerina - do you know what music the box plays?
Anonymous said…
That's so pretty! I remember my mother's jewelry box was a wooden box that used to hold stationery. It's got carved decorations and a picture decoupaged on it, and I used to love seeing everything she had in it. She gave it to me several years ago, and I just love it!
**Anne** said…
What a beautiful treasure to have and to cherish. What wonderful memories you have too of times spent with your Grandma. Thanks for sharing.
Anne xx
Rose H (UK) said…
I'm glad it came to you at last :o)
Some things are just too precious because of the memories they hold.
I'm sure you could replace the ballerina.
Rose H
Swallow Barn said…
how lovely

Nikki x
Curtise said…
Jewellery boxes are lovely, my sisters and I were all given one as kids, complete with mirrors and ballerinas (sadly mine was stolen during a break in years ago). How sweet to finally end up with your granny's beautiful box after all these years. xxxx
Linda said…
lovely, it's the best thing when you're a little girl, going through your gran's jewellery box x
It's the best thing to receive an unexpected gift from the past that holds so many memories for you. How kind of your uncle to remember what it meant to you. My mother used to let us play with her jewelry box too, but it was in such rough shape when she died that I didn't keep it (which was a tough decision!). I hope you can scout out a ballerina for it to bring it all to life again! Wendy
I have my grandmother's jewellery boxes, although not as exciting and in good nick as yours. I actually found a very similar one in a charity shop which I gave to a friend, it's so pretty - I wish I'd kept it!
sky-blu-pink said…
O wow! I have one too! Our Scottish neighbour Mr Broadfoot gave it to me when I was a teenager, brought back from his navy days. I love it! Sadly, my ballerina is missing also.
Vix said…
I used to have one just like it but despite absolutely loving it it was far too small to accommodate my massive jewellery! Love the picture of your Grandma! xxx
Claire said…
Lovely childhood memory Liz and how nice to finally have the jewellery box.....
I have my mothers jewellery box with some of her costume jewellery and everytime I open it I can remember the feeling I had as a child that it was full of as you say wonderful 'treasures.......

Claire :]'

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