Cover Girl!

Can you believe it - my little Violet is a cover girl?!  Here she is in all her beauty.

Pretty Nostalgic Magazine
Can you spot her on the cover of issue 6 of Pretty Nostalgic magazine?  Have a closer look ...

I was delighted when the folks at Pretty Nostalgic asked me to send along some mismatched vintage china to be photographed.  But I has such a time trying to decide what to send.  As many of you will know, I just adore all my lovely bits and pieces, most of which were picked up for next to nothing in local charity shops.

So here's what I (eventually) sent;-
teacup - Royal Standard
saucer - Royal Vale with pretty thatched cottage and garden design
side plate - Royal Albert, Greenwood Tree pattern
cake plate - Phoenix with pretty lilac flowers

You can read more about my choices on the Pretty Nostalgic blog page here.

So I'm off to put the kettle on and make myself a cuppa, in a pretty vintage teacup and settle down to read the rest of the magazine - there are some fantastic articles inside.

Love, Liz


Paulette said…
How exciting this whole process must have been for you. I don't think we have that magazine here in the U.S., but I have found Pretty Nostalgic on Facebook. Congratulation on the feature in the magazine.
Irene said…
Many, many congratulations on the publication to Yourself and Violet.
Vintage Jane said…
Just read the article ... must pick up the mag now. I love your pretty choice. M x
I must get hold of that mag! Lovely china Liz, well done! :) x
Ellie Foster said…
Dear Liz
I had a quick look through the magazine when it came through the door yesterday and spotted your name straightaway! I shall settle down later with the magazine properly and enjoy it.
Congratulations on being featured.
Best wishes
Well done getting your little beauties in the mag. They deserve to have a whole magazine just dedicated to them, There are so many gorgeous pieces in your collection.
Rosie xx
Ruth Kelly said…
Congratulations to you and Violet. What fun!
How lovely for you. I keep on meaning to buy the magazine but have never got round to it. I shall have to look out for it.
Gwen said…
LOVED your choice of mismatched china!! Violets and lavender/purple are my favorite!! Also, congrats on being in the article!! That looks like a lovely magazine.
Congratulations on your feature! All of your china is so pretty :) Wendy
claire said…
ah so cool! did they send it back to you!?
Ooh what fun! I hope you're going to frame the cover! x
blackenpot said…
Very well done! I don't think that we can get the magazine here.

Thank you for sharing.
Wow awesome - you and Violet are famous! That looks like a great mag and she's looking beautiful in it!
miz-bag said…
you is famous! x x
Louise Mc said…
Looking at your beautiful china makes me sad because mine is all in storage until we sell our house. It's so beautiful to look at though, I think you are generous letting it out of your sight. X
Hooray! PN always come up trumps with their covers, and your input makes it all the more special. I haven't had chance to open my copy yet but I thought of Spring when I looked at the cover, so thank you for your part in that. x
Patricia said…
Ah that's such a pretty set of china and how lovely it's been featured in this gorgeous magazine. I discovered this before Christmas and have been looking out for the next issue so it's down to town tomorrow to seek it out.
Patricia x
Vix said…
What a claim to fame! x
Elisabeth said…
Congratulations! Violet is a beauty :)
Imogen said…
Well done you! The cover is beautiful! xx
Unknown said…
ahhh congratulations thats lovely and must have been such fun to. dee x
How exciting! It is soo sweet.
vintage grey said…
Congratulations Liz!! So beautiful!! xo Heather
I love violet - the flower, the colour, so I'm rather envious of the tea cup!

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