Cosy Tea Cosies

I've just finished knitting another two retro style tea cosies.

They keep the teapot nice and warm because they have a double layer - unlike many over-priced single layer cosies I've seen in some trendy shops!

I've now started a lovely pastel pink and lemon one.

Love, Liz


Your tea cosies are very beautiful and very well done Liz! Gorgeous :0)
Happy Spring to you
Natasha :0)
Kestrel said…
I love these retro style tea cosies! My mum knits them, using a pattern my gran used, so I have two in different colourways. They are a classic.
Used-to-Bees said…
I wish my knitting were as evenly tensioned as yours... Lovely teacosies! Have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
These are lovely! With the texture, I bet they're fun to hold in your had, too!
Ruth Kelly said…
That looks like a very interesting knit pattern. Do the tea cozy help keep tea warm or are they just for keeping them clean?
Connie said…
These are so cute. We don't really use tea cozies here in the US. I once knitted one for a tea drinking friend of mine and she sent me a note thanking me for the HAT!
Streetcomber said…
They're beautiful and so neatly done. I spotted your namecheck and quote in Pretty Nostalgic, the new issue!
Your tea cosies make me want to go out and buy loose tea, they're beautiful, I remember my Nan having cosies like this.
We are a bit lazy in our house and only use tea bags. lol
Vix said…
I love these, proper traditional keepsakes anyone would be proud to have on their tea tray, you are clever! x
Irene said…
I love these style of cosies, brilliant traditional makes. My favourite is the second one because of the colours.
Mum said…
I must pick up my knitting needles again and knit some more. Pastel pink and lemon were the colours my attendants wore when I was a Rose Queen. I think I will also add a green.
Love from Mum
Plain Jane said…
I know what you mean about the single layer ones - pants. These are gorgeous AND practical. Well done x Jane ( P.S. I'm loving the new header - my mum has some of the crinoline lady gold china and she used to tell me that it had once belonged to the Queen!)
Beautiful, what cosy teapots you must have :) xx
Linda said…
love your tea cosies!
sky-blu-pink said…
Great colour combos!
June said…
Great cosies!
Lynne-Aussie said…
I have just found your blog and it is wonderful, I love these tea cosies!!I still spoil myself and make tea using tea leaves (my husband dosnt drink tea) it feels very indulgent.
Olga Rani said…
They are so really pretty!
These are adorable ... love the bright cheery colours :) Wendy
Swallow Barn said…
ooh I love these - my gran had one just like them!

Nikki x
Very snazzy Liz! I sold my Battenburg Cosy at my Fair on Saturday and am half way through a Lemon Curd one !!

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