Rainbow Knitted Tea Cosy

Needed to knit something bright to counteract the dull days and this is it - a rainbow knitted tea cosy.

Used the colours in rainbow order - I always remember the order because of the name Roy G Biv - there are lots of other ways of remembering the colours.

Even the inside looks bright and cheery!

Hope it has brightened up your day.

Love, Liz


Mrs. H said…
Must be something in the air Liz as I crocheted a tea cozy in similar colours just last week!
This is lovely, I really love this style of tea cozy and enjoy knitting them but I don't seem to sell many these days so have no excuse to knit any : (
enjoy your Sunday

: ) x
Unknown said…
Love it very bright and cheerful indeed :-) dee x
Anne said…
Its lovely Liz!
Rose H (UK) said…
What a cheerful addition to afternoon tea this would be!
Rose H
Oh I love those rainbow colours Liz!
Victoria xx
This has certainly brightened my Sunday! As the first thing I do in a morning is head for the teapot I imagine a tea cosy like this would be perfect to combat the early morning blues.

Anna x
sky-blu-pink said…
This is so lovely, and the rainbow colours will certainly cheer up the dampest of days!
June said…
Stunning! A bright rainbow to brighten a dull day.
vintage grey said…
So colorful and cheery!! xo Heather
blackenpot said…
Very cheerful indeed, this would brighten up any dull day!

have a nice week.
I love the rainbow pattern, it's so cheerful!
**Anne** said…
Love your tea cosy. I need bright things around me in dull winter weather too. Might have to make something like this next winter.
Anne xx
Paulette said…
It is very cheerful, makes me want to sit down for a cup of tea.
Marjorie said…
Love this cozy.
greenthumb said…
Hi just found your lovely blog, what a great looking tea cosy such fun colours.
GardenOfDaisies said…
That tea cozy would put cheerfulness into even the cloudiest day!
Annie Cholewa said…
It has, and it's lovely :D

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