Take One Tea Towel ...

Take one tea towel, some gingham fabric, batting and a few hours and ta da ...

A pretty, floral fabric case for my new netbook!

The tea towel was part of a set of three from Wilkinsons. Thought that the heavier tea towel fabric would be better for wear and tear than a thinner cotton.   I just used the netbook as an outline to get sizes and got on with it.  Not by any manner of means perfect - I'm not great at sewing, but I managed.

Got enough of this fabric left over to make a case for my phone.

And there are two tea towels left! 

Pop over to Lakota at Faith Hope & Charity Shopping to see some other Tuesday ta da moments.

A big welcome to my new followers and many thanks to all of you who leave comments on my posts - I really enjoy reading them.

Love, Liz
 Greetings from sunny Greenock (for a change)!


Mrs. H said…
great make Liz.
I have those tea towels, like you I bought them with making in mind. Mine ended up as a make up bag!
: )
thriftwood said…
Wow! is all I can say, ermm, except "wish I could sew"

Great idea! I've seen tea-towels used more for projects like this than for washing up. They have such great patterns and already nicely hemmed!
gillyflower said…
Great idea Liz - I love the pretty tea towels you've used, and as you say the thicker fabric will make it more durable.
Have a great week!
Gill xx
Claire said…
Hey Liz, love the fabrics you used, so nice and cheery.
Sweet little button too...

Gotta love ta da moments....

Claire :}
Anonymous said…
Just love the combination of flowers and gingham !
What a gorgeous teatowel Liz! And a great way to use it too.
Victoria xx
Rose H (UK) said…
What a great use for the tea-towels. Good Job!
Rose H
Thank you for your sweet comments. You're in the draw, oh by the way the plate is orangey-ginger! (I should have adjusted the colour balance.)
vintage grey said…
So beautiful!! Love the colors! xo Heather
Used-to-Bees said…
That is so sweet! You see some great tea-towels at very reasonable prices these days - I think all the chains know what a lot of tea-towel lurve there is going on these days, and they've got their acts together! Florals + gingham = sure fire winner
Really lovely fabric combination. I like adding a personal touch to my technology - after all, you don't want it to look like everyone else's! I have some tea towels stashed away somewhere...

Anna. x
Laura said…
Ooo, that's very clever, I like it a lot.
Jelly Jam said…
Fantastic make Liz! I bought the same tea towels and they've found their way into cushions.
sky-blu-pink said…
Lovely! The fabrics complement each other so well. And the double button detail to fasten is a fab idea.
blackenpot said…
Woderful idea and beautiful fabric! Well done!!

Enjoy your wednesday.
Tina said…
What a lovely idea! Well done, hun. xx
That's really lovely and the combination of the flowery fabric and the squares is refreshing. I love the name of your blog as I can never get enough of shortbread and ginger is a favorite ingredient for cooking! Christra
Riitta Sinikka said…
Wow, so beautiful and lovely. Have a nice day,Liz!
Well done Miss Liz...I love the color combinations...smiles..Renee
Hi Liz, your cover is really pretty and practical. I love the use of the checks with the floral...lovely! Thank you for your comments, Lois will be pleased that you like her hamster. Have a good day, love Linda x
gilly said…
Hi there, just discovered your blog so popped in to have a wee peek and am happy to be your newest follower! I was born in Gourock so it was the Greenock bit that lured me in, and I've enjoyed reading your blog - it's lovely. Hope you'll pop over and visit sometime too.
Have a happy Wednesday :-)
Elizabeth said…
I'm so very impressed with your inventiveness! Well done!
Ruth Kelly said…
Very clever of you!
ingenius! never knew a teatowel could be an awesome cover :) brilliant!
GardenOfDaisies said…
That is super cute. I love the little heart button embelishment, too.
So lovely. A great choice of fabric and pattern. Cute button, too. Have a wonderful weekend.
magie said…
Hi Liz,
I can finally leave a comment on your blog :) In the past I always got a black screen over your blog and couldn't leave a comment (for some odd reason?)..but I have a new browser and I can finally leave you comments now :)
The net book cover is so pretty. I really like your idea of using tea towels..very clever. I may just have to go to wilkinson's now to buy some tea towels :)
Wishing you a lovely weekend x
♥ Miss Tea said…
So cute! i love it..and you're very creative! just adorable!

dropping by from Lakota's blog ta-dah tuesday :)

x susan

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