Cute Cards

How cute is this picture?

It's actually a tiny little pack of playing cards.

I remember always getting a small pack of cards in my stocking at Christmas and I would play Snap with my dollies ... I always won!!!!!

Ah, happy days!

Love, Liz


Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Very cute. You still get little mini packs in crackers - my eldest loves them and when he was smaller used to make up long involved games he would make me play with him. His main game was called 'Terrorwhit' (he was about 4) and oddly enough he always won!

Kylie said...

They are just too cute for words Liz x

June said...

Dear Liz,
Cute playing cards. KP has this very image on her lunchbox! It's adorable, isn't it.

My Vintage Mending said...

Snap...those are darling...what a wonderful find. Smiles...Renee

Unknown said...

aahh those are really lovely, dee x

Ruth Kelly said...

I agree, she is really cute. You do not see cards in the states like that.

Anonymous said...

So very sweet!
Thea x

Miss Simmonds Says said...

those are adorable!!

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

How adorable!

vintage grey said...

So adorable Liz!! Love them!! xo Heather

Danielle's Heartfelt Home said...

These are adorable!

Danielle xo

sky-blu-pink said...

Dear little cards! Such a nostalgic post -when I was little, eveything looked like this!

Anne said...

I dont remember anything like that but we did used to get cards like Happy families and snap.Ah memories!

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