Cath Kidston Bonanza!

Paid a visit to the Cath Kidston factory shop at St Neots last week.  Of course I couldn't walk away without a purchase (the prices there were a bit more realistic in my opinion)!

As soon as I saw this bag I knew it reminded me of something.

When I got  home it struck me that it wasn't unlike the little vintage paisley pattern fabric apron thingy that I found a few weeks ago.  Of course the fabric is slightly faded, but they are not dissimilar.

Then my son and daughter in law got me this Cath Kidston

book for my birthday.

I've already earmarked my first project.  I think that this little cottage is so cute!

Not sure whether to go with tapestry or try it in cross stitch.  Decisions, decisions .....!

Love, Liz


Gorgeous! I love that little cottage can't wait to see how it turns out. x
I do so love that paisley print!
Victoria xx
bellaboo said…
Ooh lovely Cath goodies! Look forward to seeing the finished cottage.
Hope you are able to get out and enjoy the fantastic weather this week :0)
Tina said…
Lovely purchase! And the book seem very interesting! :)
Missy said…
I love that red paisley. I am going to scour ebay today to see if I can get some fabric in that design.
Lovely book, I bought it too and it has sat on the bookcase waiting for me to make something!
Kylie said…
I love that pretty old fashioned fabric you've photographed your birthday present on Liz. And many happy (belated) returns for your birthday x
LIz you lucky girl. The rest of us state side have to order ours and hope they are as lovely as the to you on the stitching...smiles...Renee
vintage grey said…
So beautiful!! I only wish we had one in the states!! The stitch book looks so fun!! Happy stitching! xo Heather
Anonymous said…
wonderful, lucky girl, what ever you make it will be special
Thea x
Riitta Sinikka said…
I love Cath Kidston-style. Have a happy day, Liz!
It may well be the same print, much as I love her she does tend to nick old prints and not give credit. mmm facotry outlet shop though...
sky-blu-pink said…
I have the very same bag and I love it! Always been a fan of paisley, as I think I have told you already!
BusyLizzie said…
Admiring your purchases Liz. Have a lovely weekend. Lizzie
Fabulous purchases. I love all her designs, and yes, the vintage design and hers are so very much alike. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Lucky you Liz. Love Cath Kidston of course. xx

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