Distracted and Disorganised!

I seem to be getting increasingly unorganised - must be an age thing, or something!  Anyway usually I go charity shop trawling on a Tuesday, but I was busy yesterday so decided to go today.  The joy of being unemployed between jobs is that I can dedicate a day just for thrifting.  But today I decided to combine that with getting a few "necessaries" - like new black trousers and bread.   Even made a list - that's how organised I was at the beginning.

As the charity shops have been rubbish recently, I thought this would be dead easy!  But that wasn't to be .... every charity shop I went into had quite a few goodies on display which totally threw me and I spent ages rummaging - I got this lovely woollen tweedy fabric.

Think I will make a cushion and a bag with it - love the colour combination.

I don't drive, so everything I get I have to lug home on the bus, so I grudgingly passed over some lovely goodies, knowing that I had other stuff to get.  Black trousers - easy, right?  No - well, not for me anyway.  Forgot about them till I had already been in a couple of shops, so tried trusty M&S - straight leg, bootleg, etc - how's a girl to decide?  My mind was still on the little bits and pieces I had seen in the charity shops and I was so distracted!

Halfway round the town I couldn't find my list - must have dropped it!  When I got home  I discovered that I had got the chocolate biscuits, but no bread!  The birthday card, but no stamps!

I used to be so organised!  Never mind - I'll got back out tomorrow to see if any of the cs treasures I passed by today are still there.  Oh, and yes, get black trousers and bread!

Hope you are more organised than me!

Love, Liz


Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

I am extremely disorganised. In fact the whole family is disorganised. Chaos reigns in this household unfortunately. You're reminded me: I've forgotten to get any bread too. Poo!

Like the new fabric. xx

Mrs. H said...

Oh Liz you sound just like me, especially with the lists, I ALWAYS lose mine and end up forgetting what I went for. I think it's definitely the between jobs thing that makes your brain turn to mush!!!
The fabric is lovely, can't wait to see it made into a bag.
Thanks for your comments on my blog, it's very quiet over there at the moment so keep up the good work!
: )

Jacqui Wise said...

Sounds just like me. I usually write a list and then either leave it at home or forget to look at it! I used to be so organised. Anyway, I'm glad you came home with some lovely finds and I hope the other bits and pieces are still there if you get a chance to visit the charity shops again tomorrow.

Missy said...

Ah, I'm always going out and coming back without what I went out for. It's a good excuse to go out and look in shops again!

Riitta Sinikka said...

So lovely fabric! Best greetings Riitta Sinikka / Romulyyli-blog

Miss Simmonds Says said...

charity shops distract me whilst in town too, i always come back with stuff i don't need. Remember that fast show sketch "even better than that.."?! that's me (it's on you tube if you don't remember)

Mum said...

Who wants to be organised? You get another shot at the Charity shops. Who knows what other treasures will be there?
Love from Mum

Unknown said...

Love that fabric! Can't wait to see what you make. I'm also a distracted shopper - go out for one thing and come back with something completely different! My kids have gotten used to 'fresh air and imagination' for their dinner!!! lol xxx ♥

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

I'm pretty good at lists for retail shopping but tend to go dramatically off-piste when online! That fabric was a good find x

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't worry to much, forget the boring shopping, thrifting is much more exciting !
Thea x

vintage grey said...

I get disorganized too, and then have to get back into being organized otherwise I drive myself crazy!! Looking forward to seeing what you create with your new fabric!! xo Heather

Rose H (UK) said...

Great fabrics!
Loose a shopping list? No, never - It's always on the kitchen worktop! (Sadly, I'm in the shop)

21 Wits said...

This is too funny! I totally can relate to this feeling this week!

Bijou Sugar-Socks said...

the tweed fabric is lovely :) i like being disorganized hehe it gives me an excuse to make a new list and go out and get the stuff i forgot the next day :D that way i am always walking and moving and seeing people :)

bellaboo said...

Sounds pretty normal to me!
Love the fabric.I hope you find some nice goodies next time.Our CS looked very depleted when I popped in yesterday.Just as well really, as I'm running out of space for all my finds.
Oh..and don't mention shopping for trousers...nightmare!! :0)

Country Cottage Chic said...

Ha! Very funny - I usually write a list & then leave it at home!

claire said...

i know how you feel, i always seem to find lots of bargains when i've gone out on my bike!

Meggie said...

Loved the post...kept me laughing. I do make a list, and sometimes, I find a list someone lost!

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