Granny Square Cushion

Well - I finished it - my first proper granny square crochet cushion!

I love it!

Son#2 had the temerity to plonk himself down on the sofa and lean against it - argh!  (Only joking!)

I made sixteen little squares for the front and four larger squares for the back.
I immediately started another - this time using bolder colours - what do you think?
Personally I prefer the pastel shades.

I made these two squares last night while watching TV - the little ones take a bit longer because they are more fiddly.

To those of you who are trying to learn crochet - my advice would be:

*          Try a few different tutorials on the internet - some will suit you better than others.  Don't give up after just watching one.
*          Buy a larger, thicker crochet hook for your first attempt - it will be easier to manage than a smaller one, then you can move to the smaller one when you are more confident. 
*          Use cheap yarn to start with and then you won't feel you have wasted money - it doesn't take much yarn to make a few granny squares, you could even use a few leftover bits and pieces - or even find some in the charity shop.

I hope this has encouraged someone to give it another go - good luck.

Love, Liz


Oh, that's gorgeous Liz, well done!
Used-to-Bees said…
Ooh it looks lovely, and goes so well with the other cushions too! Thanks for the advice too - one day I will learn.
It looks fab such pretty colours! I have yet to give crochet ago but I want to. Winter is on it's way so it's the perfect time to give it a go. xx
Kylie said…
I might try again Winter x

p.s. my first attempts were dismal!
sara said…
Beautiful crochet cushions dare anyone lean on them, many's the time I've politly requested OH remove his posterior off my handmade cushions. x
June said…
Cushion looks great! One day I may try to learn! Thanks for the tips!
orchid0324 said…
Wonderful crochet cushion♡♡♡
I have no talent for hand crafts; I admire who has and so wonderful to be able to see in the blog land!
Love you always, xoxo Miyako*
blackenpot said…
Lovely cushion Liz, made me smile about your son leaning on it!
I'm not a crocheter myself but I remember mam doing hats, memories.....
Well done and thanks for the tips.
Rachael said…
Your cushion came out so good I love your choice of colours.
These look amazing...well done!
bellaboo said…
Your cushion is lovely,very pretty colour combo,and those are great tips.
I shriek at my OH if he dares to sit on one of my vintage eiderdowns!
Pippin Lane said…
Pure delight, what could be more welcoming and homely than a crochet patchwork cushion???! I fancy you are ever so clever, and I quite like the floral glasses in your previous post too.....such lovely things...
Nattie x
Thanks for all your lovely comments. They really encourage me.
Mum said…
Blanket next after your next cushion? You've got the bug now. The cushion looks lovely.
Love from Mum
Scarlet said…
That's so pretty Liz. I love the pastel colours.
Karen said…
Well, look at you Miss Speedy Crafty Thing !!
Those are SO cute !! But I am like you... A newly finished project needs to be admired and savoured at bit before actually being used !!
Tina said…
Love, love, love your cushion!! So lovely!
Turned out beautiful and I love the pastel colors!
Unknown said…
Hi Liz, sorry its taken me a while to pop over here. Thank you for your lovely comments. I love your glasses in your last post those are so pretty. Your crochet cushion is gorgeous such pretty colours. I am following you now so i will pop back again real soon. Take care, dee x
Shane Pollard said…
Love the colours too and it looks wonderful on your couch.
What a naughty boy #2 is!!!!!

Thanks for the advice and encouragement on internet tutorials.

gillyflower said…
I love the colours Liz, its so pretty and springlike and goes beautifully with your other cushions.

I have to keep cushions away from my husbands chair as he either ignores their presence and therefore sits on them, or throws them on the floor - no respect!

Gill xx
Looks great! I learned to crochet last fall, but haven't mastered granny squares yet.

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