Flowery Glasses

Do you have a thrifting wish list - one that you keep to yourself, just in case you jinx it?

There are a couple of items which are on my mental wish list and I look out for these when I'm doing the charity shop rounds.  Yesterday I found something on my list.

It's these two little glasses with a pretty floral design.  I think they are gorgeous and had been on the lookout for some - these were only 99p and are in perfect condition!

I would never actually say aloud what's on my list, but I still have one little item that I'm on the lookout for.  I think it makes thrifting more enjoyable, because you never know when that little treasure will turn up and then there's the delight when it does - well, as long as the price is right!

Hope you had a good thrifting weekend.  I'm going to check out all the lovely bargains at Flea Market Finds.

Love, Liz


Jacqui said…
Lovely find. Reminds me of New Year at my Gran's and blackcurrant Yu-lade, or Black Mabel as we used to call it. I do have a vague list in my head, but it changes quite a bit depending on my current interests.
Sarah Jane said…
These are so cute. I have some identical ones. Found them in a charity shop for 99p for 3. Couldn't believe my luck x
Used-to-Bees said…
Those are so pretty! Good luck finding the other thing on your list - I'm looking forward to finding out what it is!
GardenOfDaisies said…
These glasses are sooo pretty!!! Hope you find your other "wish list treasures" soon, too.
june in ireland said…
These are truly beautiful, Liz. Very pretty and delicate. And only 99p for the pair?! That's a fantastic find. I wish there were more charity shops here in Ireland, or more specifically, in the northwest, where I'm located. There's one or two Oxfams, and one lovely little shop I only just discovered called The Curiosity Shop, but other than that, not really much. I know in Northern Ireland (especially Enniskillen) and northern England (especially Huddersfield) and Wales, there are tons of lovely little charity and second-hand shops just filled to the brim with all sorts of treasures. Is it like that in Scotland, too?

I do have my own wish list, yes. I know what you mean about keeping that list to yourself...just in case, LOL. And I agree - when you find that special something, it's such a sweet little thrill.

Thanks for sharing this, Liz. I'd love to have little glasses like these for my dining room dresser. I guess there's always the alternative - of painting my own version of little flowers like these onto some pretty glasses. But still, it's not quite the same when you find something in a shop as pretty as these, and at such a great price.

Well done on your treasure! Have a lovely Sunday.
Oh Liz your glasses are GORGEOUS....!!

Oh do I have a LIST....**wink**....It's SO LONG it's ridiculous....As I find myself easily DISTRACTED when I'm op-shopping I recently put together a journal with a HEAP of pics saved over the years from various magazines....I take it with me when I go out on the road & flick through the pages to keep the items fresh in my easily DISTRACTED mind....!!

I had a Friend in the 'biz' come & look at my painting & he reckons it hails from the late 1790's to around the 1820's....She's a KEEPER for sure....!!

Hope you've had a RELAXING weekend....!!

Cheers for now,
Tamarah :o)
Kylie said…
Ooh I wonder what it is Liz???
Gorgeous little glasses. Perfect for a teeny-tiny shot of whiskey perhaps?
It's so nice when you find something you've been looking for. They are so pretty I'm not allowed to collect glass until I move out. x
Claire said…
Sweet little glasses Liz........they look so delicate.

Nice to find an item on your wish list, all the best with your search for the 'other' item.

Claire :}
Vintage Gal said…
Those little glasses are adorable. Great find. I go a couple of things on my wish list too~!
Hello Vintage said…
Such a fantastic feeling when you find something you have been looking for AND it's in great shape!
orchid0324 said…
Dear Liz,
Really Lovely flower gloasses♡♡♡
I hope I can find glasses like these. Good luck for finding other item in your list!

Thank you for the comments for me and hope our friendship will continue♬♬♬ 

Lots of love from Japan, Miyako*
Riitta Sinikka said…
So beautiful glasses!!Have a happy day!
Little Nell said…
Far too pretty to drink out of Liz!
blackenpot said…
Such lovely glasses, I'm wondering whats on your list of finds? Our charity shops here are very expensive so I have to rely on the flea markets, but there are enormous amount of people pushing and shoving so you have to be quick.

Thank you for all your kind words.
Your glasses are beautiful. Yes, it feels great to find that thing you have been hunting for!
Yes I do have a mental list and those would be at the top of the list!!
Rachael said…
Such pretty little glasses. We have a bit of a wish list besides looking for vintage powder compacts but most of it comes down to price!
Liz those are very Cath-esqe. What a wonderful find and in such great condition. I think I have a lot more than just two items left on my list. Looks like I have some shopping to do. Smiles..Renee
Kandi said…
Oooohh they are gorgeous! I have a list too, but like you keep it to myself!
It's great when you get a little treasure that you are delighted with.
kandi x
June said…
Those glasses are so sweet and what a bargain at 99p! A very lucky find!
claire said…
i love these but we would no doubt break them. we go through glassses like billio here!!
How pretty and delicate this are. So happy that you found them.
OH those are so cute! I do have a few things I'm always on the hunt for...dog figurines and old Christmas goodies! It's always so fun when you finally find what you are hunting for!
bellaboo said…
It's so exciting when you find something that's on your wish list...especially when you get it for a bargain price like that! They are really pretty glasses..I would have snapped them up too.
Happy hunting! :0)
gillyflower said…
Beautiful! And what a bargain - well done!

Gill xx
Unknown said…
Ohhhhh! Love these glasses! What beautiful floral decals. Love!

Mmmm I have an Art list I keep to myself....alwasy on the prowl for good art!

Jo said…
Those are gorgeous! It's so exciting to find a "wish list" item. I found pretty much a whole dining set of one of my wishlists last month (and it's NEVER in shops) but I couldn't justify buying it. It was just a bit too expensive and I already own a lot of another type of china. It was very sad to leave it behind.
Nick said…
These are lovely. I have some that are similar that I have plans to use as scented candles, because as sure as anything, the first time I take a drink from one, it will break!
Thanks for your kind words.
Madison said…
I heart your glasses. Flowery glasses are now on my list of things to look out for.

The Wee Man has a list that I bribe him with. ie "we have to go to the car boot/ charity shop to look for model trains, puzzle books, lego...etc"

Madison xxx

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