Painted White

This has been one of those little projects I've been meaning to do for ages.  Every time I passed by this little mirror I thought I must get round to painting that.  Well, yesterday I actually did!

It started out as one of those plain wooden mirrors which you see everywhere - they even occasionally turn up in charity shops.

I couple of coats of white paint and it was transformed.

The back was just very plain hardboard which I thought made it look a bit unfinished.  So I printed off some old ads, aged them with distressing ink and glued them to the back.

This mirror will now look much more at home in my guest room.

Love, Liz

Weather report
We've not had any snow here in Greenock.
Yesterday was very foggy - really spooky to hear the ships' foghorns on the river.
Today is lovely and sunny, but chilly!


Used-to-Bees said…
That's a great transformation! It definitely looks better painted, and your attention to detail on the back is superb! I'm just heading out for some thread, but may have to stop by the charity shops in the hope I can find a mirror to revamp
Heidi said…
Love your transformation. The mirror looks so pretty and up to date now with its fresh coat of paint.

Hugs from Holland ~
Scarlet said…
Our weather has been much the same as yours. The fog came rolling up the road mid afternoon yesterday. Today we have a thick frost and bright sunshine. Your mirror is lovely - I have one which I picked up for 30p at a carboot quite a few years ago and painted to go in K's bedroom when we did her room up while she was at uni.I never thought to decorate the back of it though - what you've done with yours is inspired!
Scarlett said…
You did a great job! Its amazing what a bit of white paint can do :o) Scarlett x
Betty said…
Cute how you decorated the back...really has alot of character now! Warm Hugs,
Kylie said…
Mirror front and back looks lovely Liz x
Deborah said…
Wow, this looks so much better! well done you :)love it in white and love your crosses.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Rachael said…
Love what you've done to the mirror especially the detailing to the back!
Ruth Kelly said…
I especially like how you did the back of the mirror - wonderful transformation using white paint.
blackenpot said…
Beautiful transformation, and I just loved the way you have done the back!

There has been a lot of snow here which has now turned to slush which tomorrow will turn to ice......

Enjoy your week.
Jelly Jam said…
That looks so much better! Like the idea of transforming the back too - I'd be too lazy to do that.
Nice new header too.
June said…
What a lovely make-over!
I love this, Liz! Your mirror is so cute. The paint really makes a difference. Great job!

PS love your new header : )

Emma Breadstill said…
That looks great, both front and back. I have a lot of must do jobs that I never get round to xxx
Riitta Sinikka said…
Hi! So beautiful mirror! Have a happy day!
claire said…
no snow? poor you :( My dad was born in Greenock :)
Finally! Something which HAS been improved by painting white. That looks loads better (unlike a lot of things which have been 'shabbified' within an inch of their lives. Sorry, just been noticing a lot of bad paint jobs recently - not yours!). I love the vintage ads on the back of it too. x
momto8 said…
wow...this is inspring to me. We have that same type of brown mirror..and I keep moving to into different rooms...but now I know what the problem needs to be painted!! haha..I learn something new everyday!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
sky-blu-pink said…
It looks vastly improved! Love the idea of the newspaper ads to age it. Gosh, so snow in Scotland - we've had plenty here in west London!

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