Fair Isle Memories

Apart from photographs, I don't have too many things that belonged to my Dad.  But I do have this -

Its a beautiful Fair Isle knitted tank top, probably from the 40s.  I think that my Aunt knit it for him.  Not sure why I ended up with it, but I'm really glad I did. 

Beautiful pattern and so neat and tidy on the inside.

This is a photograph of my Dad and me - cute or what ... no, don't answer that!

This is my brother and I with Dad.  I remember that dress - it was royal blue and white.  My brother's shorts were brown and so was his cute little bowtie.  This is us in our Sunday best.

I remember in the 70s in Greenock (and perhaps elsewhere), there was a fad for fair isle cardigans - the ones which are plain, but have a patterned yoke.  Everybody who could knit made their own and older ladies who made them were in great demand.  They were worn stylishly (well, for the time) with jeans and a white shirt.  Lucky for me, my Granny knew a lady who knit them and I had a couple.  Unfortunately, they had to be hand washed or they shrunk!  Guess what happened to mine - being a young woman about town (ha!), and not having the patience to hand wash - yup, they didn't last long!

Ah, memories!

Love, Liz

Fair Isle is an island in the far north of Scotland, halfway between Orkney and Shetland.  Good website here.


Kylie said…
Cute Liz. Definetely.
I love your Dad's beautiful vest, have you ever worn it?
Deborah said…
Thanks for sharing :) just love your dad's pullover the colour and pattern is just gorgeous, I grew up wearing hand knitted jumpers from my mum and I miss that now she has gone even though I hated wearing most of them at the time!! he he.

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Pomona said…
What beautiful knitting! And I do love your baby quiff - so sweet!

Pomona x
Vintage Jane said…
It's gorgeous ... something of his to treasure that he actually wore. Love the family photos. M x
Hi Liz, it's a gorgeous tank top. Like Kylie, I want to know if you or hubby have ever worn it.

Love your cute little dress in the last pic.

Gosh, my mum was a dab hand at knitting (and crochet and making clothes). If only I'd inherited a smidgeon of her skills! xx
Thanks for your comments. Kylie - it is quite small - maybe one day, if the diet works!
MarmaladeRose said…
What a lovely item to have of your Dads. Perfect to had down in years to come.
Paulette said…
Daddy's are the first men that loves us. It appears we both had wonderful dads. Have a wonderful memory filled day.❤
Anne said…
Hi Liz, loved the photos.And the jumper! Not easy to do, I do admire anyone who can knit those patterns and be as neat as that.
Just a shame in the 70's you didnt know about felting! You could have made something from your shrunken jumpers!
Scarlet said…
That's beautifully knit, and what a wonderful thing of your Dad's to have. My Grandma could knit Fair Isle patterns - her work was just beautiful as was her sister's.I don't think my Mum ever knit anything so complicated, and I've never tried either. I certainly couldn't manage it now - my eyes aren't good enough!
Unknown said…
I would wear it, I really love fair isle. What a lovely thing to still have, love all the photo's too x
bellaboo said…
Lovely pics and memories!
Love the mirror makeover in your last post. :0)
Rachael said…
How neat is the back of that knitting! Your aunt was very talented.
Kestrel said…
So lovely and so neat! As a knitter I am just as interested in the back (inside) as the front :)
What an adorable little vest. I have always loved Fair Isle patterns but it is too warm here to wear woolen sweathers. The workmanship in your vest is amazing.
June said…
Your dads top is lovely - pretty enough to be framed and displayed - like the work of art that it is!
Love the old photos too!
How sweet you have your Dad's sweater. Too bad you do not have a pic of him in it! Love the pictures you showed us and yes you are cute!
blackenpot said…
What lovely memories of your dad! Nice to have so many beautiful photos too.

Thanks for sharing.
Little Nell said…
That's a beautiful piece of knitting. I bet you're glad you hung onto it.
Ruth Kelly said…
I had a beautiful ski sweater that I had knitted and had it for a long time. My daughter decided to wear it and she washed it - it shrunk from an adult size to a child size. It never did wear out.
Beautiful memories Liz. Thanks for sharing with us. Cherish that sweater.

Danielle xo

PS you were an adorable little baby : )
Chris said…
Hi Liz, how sweet that you have your dad's pullover. Talk about deja vu. When you talked about Fair Isle, it brought back so many memories of when I was young. One of my aunts used to knit such beautiful sweaters in that style. I never did own one myself but lots in my family did. Thanks for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
It's a lovely thing to have - I'd definitely wear it if I could be certain I wouldn't then shrink it. The colours and pattern are beautiful.
Jem said…
That's such a lovely memento to have of your Dad! I can't get over how well made it is - the inside is as attractive as the outside!

I'm a fan of fair isle knits!

Jem xXx
Hi Liz....!

Hope you're having a BRILLIANT weekend Love....!!

That little vest is so SWEET.... I'm GLAD you ended up with it....!

And how LUCKY are you to have those WONDERfUL photos of your Dad....!!!!!

Tamarah :o)
sky-blu-pink said…
I so envy those who can knit Fair Isle. I'm afraid I like quick results for my knitting so I've never tried. I have an oatmeal cable sweater my Mummy knitted for my Daddy when they were courting (more than 50 years ago!) which I love, and Mummy and Nana jointly knitted my husband a complicated cabled Aran cardigan at his bequest about 25 years ago - he has it still - and we'll keep it for ever just as a reminder of the work that went into it.
Fancy Vintage said…
Just Becca again from Fancy Vintage. Saying hello and also that I wanted to give you the Liebster Blog Award. You may have one already or may not like getting awards but I thought it would be nice to give it to your lovely blog. Becca xxx
Tea at Weasel's said…
What a lovely post! I adore fair isle knitted garments and your Dad's vest is wonderful... such a talented aunt you had!
Thank you very much for your kind comment on my quilt. Have a great week!

Louise xx

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