Nylons and Aprons

Fully fashioned nylons.
The very words either strike fear - pinging suspenders and freezing thighs!
Glamour - straight seams and dressing to impress!

I'm the former, I'm afraid - practical and down to earth, but it didn't stop me buying these in the charity shop!  Ballito Serenade stockings in Bermuda shade.

Brought back a lot of memories.  My friend and I used to work in a small department store when we were at college and we just loved it when we had to "keep an eye" on the department that sold tights, stockings, etc - we knew all the shades - American Tan, Pewter and especially Cream Soda - which was very popular in the seventies, it was a pale, creamy colour.

My next find was in among the linens and at first I thought it was a bit of fabric, but it turned out to be a full length apron.  I had a feeling it was a keeper as the fabric felt like really good quality, it hadn't been used and still had its tag on.

When I got home I checked out Green Gate and discovered all their lovely products!  Wonder who handed this in to the charity shop in these Cath Kidston days?!

I love it!  I can now throw out the old apron I've been wearing for ages - a scruffy old blue and white stripe, butcher's type practical one.  Now I'm going to float about the kitchen looking all feminine and domestic godessy! 

Actually I have to wear an apron because I'm such a messy cook (and eater)!!! 
Ho hum, ... one can dream!

Love, Liz


Scarlet said…
The apron is absolutely gorgeous, and to find it in pristine condition is even better. I have a few aprons but they are all practical ones so that I can wipe floury hands on them - how I'd love to swan around in something as pretty as your find!
Oh Liz, I love a good apron and yours is a find and a half. Green Gate stuff is lovely but very pricey.
Scarlett said…
The apron is beautiful, wonder if i found one i'd become a domestic goddess too ;o) Scarlett x
Paulette said…
Such a fun a flirty, I love how aprons are now in vogue again.
Deborah said…
Wow, such a lucky lady and such a wonderful find! a Greengate apron and new, well done :) love Greengate and have you checked out Berry Red too?

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
What complete luck...a greengate apron with the tags still on it. We can't even get it shipped here in the states. Enjoy it...smiles...Renee
Suzy said…
I love the apron! I have to wear aprons as well! For the longest time I had stains on the front of my shirts until I finally learned my lesson! Thanks for sharing your finds!
Pene said…
Liz I'm actually turning green as I type, that is GORGEOUS and better than CK. Another MEGA find for the charity shop Queen!!
bellaboo said…
I'm lusting after that apron! I love Greengate stuff,it's amazing someone actually wanted to part with it! You are a lucky lady.
I remember my Mum wearing stockings like those. :0)
Kandi said…
That pinny is a fabulous find, Green Gate stuff is just lovely isn't it.
Oh your stockings just took me back, my parents had a corner shop in the 80's and 90's and we sold American Tan and Cream Soda, Ecru, Mink & Barely Black stocking and tights to name a few, happy days.
Kandi x
Ruth Kelly said…
I am a messy cook too but I always forget to put on an apron.
June said…
I remember my mum wearing American Tan nylons and my grandma too! Love that apron!
lavender attic said…
Gosh, fab lucky apron find - prob about £25, some people either have more money than sense, or get bought the wrong pressies!! Well done you x
Nick said…
I am back amongst the living...love the stockings. Very Dynasty.
The Cloth Shed said…
Great find....I wear full aprons all the time for cooking, cleaning or painting furniture. They are so useful for keeping my clothes clean and the pockets are great for my mobile phone and hankies.
Of course, I do take it off when I go to bed.....
Julie x
gillyflower said…
Fancy someone giving away a gorgeous Greengate apron!!! What a find!

Great stockings too - they are so glamorous but like you I would only think of the chill!

Our local charity shop sadly has mainly new stuff that is relatively expensive, so hard to find a vintage bargain anymore.

Gill xx
Riitta Sinikka said…
Lovely things! Have a happy day!
Wow Liz, stockings and a beautiful Greengate apron, you just need the high heels and a 'bit of a doo' and your laughing! Well done, love Linda x
lemonade kitty said…
It's amazing what people give to the charity shops, they probrably thought "who wears aprons these day's" erm.....me!! Lovely finds, Lucey x

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