Ads from the 60s

I've had an old Beatles newspaper since the 60s.  The front cover has gone - must have been a poster on it which I probably had on my bedroom wall the rest of it is just full of photograpghs and information about the Beatles.  Thought you might like to see this picture - very early photograph with Pete Best.

The ads are great.

Ice skating at Silver Blades, Prescot Road, Liverpool.  Look at the prices for musical instruments!

Gordon-Moore's toothpaste - funny little poem.

Fab record players.

Some names from the past.

More pictures of the Beatles another day ........ promise!

Love, Liz


Rachael said…
Such great adverts, love the Beatles Baby one for toothpaste, I would have had no idea that was for toothpaste without reading it!
June said…
One of my friends had one of those record players in her bedroom in the 1970's and I was so jealous of her!
Vintage Jane said…
Love all those old ads. Mr and I were just talking about getting an old record player so we can play the tons of vinyl we have stashed in the wardrobe! M x
Pene said…
Hi Liz, Please pop over to my blog as I have nominated you for an award. Thanks
Paulette said…
Brings back such memories :))
Kylie said…
Those ads are wonderful Liz. Thanks for posting them. I am going to try to print off a copy of the Silver Blades ad, my youngest daughter is a figure skater and I know she'd love it. Have a swingin' day x
Oh God don't they look young! Thanks for the trip down memory lane Liz! Love Linda
Hello Vintage said…
I love looking at old newpapers/magazines. It looks like you have kept it in really good condition. Was just looking at your previous post, the tea cups and saucers are gorgeous. Very simple and elegant.
Used-to-Bees said…
Great stuff! Not sure I want to tint my gums a 'yeah yeah' pink though!
bet they are worth a pretty penny today
bellaboo said…
Love it! A trip down memory lane,wish I'd kept the old family record player. :0)
Unknown said…
Hi Liz just a little message to say Ive nominated you for a versatile blogger award and hope you will accept,though I won't be offended if you don't ,you can find details on my blog.
XX Manda XX
Ruth Kelly said…
And my daughter wonders why I don't throw things away!

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