On The River

I decided to take my camera out with me on my walk yesterday, although I didn't really think I'd find anything to photograph.  I was only out for an hour, but the river was  quite busy.  So, apart from the usual ferries and tugs, what did I see?

Huge container ship.

Little boats.

Navy ships.

 And of course, lots of gulls!

Just a normal day on the Clyde.

Love, Liz


Unknown said…
Love your photo's Liz,you definitely found lots to photograph,what a lovely place to walk.Hope you and yours have a fab weekend XX Manda XX
keshling said…
Liz, that last photo is amazing! Looks like the Alps!

K xx
Mum said…
Ever changing scenery - life going on around us is always interesting isn't it and such lovely colours on a dull day.
Love from Mum
The Cloth Shed said…
Busy river indeed...
It always amazes me how those container ships can float with all that weight.
Have a good weekend.
Julie x
lucy joy said…
My boys and I would love to watch the boats and ships go by. I love that last shot, so inspiring.
blackenpot said…
Lovely photos of a very busy river! And the beautiful scenary could have been taken here in Norway, so much alike.

Thanks for sharing.
It's nice that you have the water so close by. That way, your scenery is alway changing, and you never know what will float your way!

Yara Simón said…
Wow. Great scenery.

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