
Would you ever give anyone a pair of bloomers as a gift?
Well, my wee Granny did - just before I got married!
Here's the attached card.

And here are the bloomers -

Not what you thought, eh?

Aren't these great - just two dishcloths sewn together with a bit of ribbon added!  Love the verse on the other side of the card.   I haven't seen anything like this for a while.

Think they would be a super addition to a craft stall.  Wonder how much something simple like this would cost in a certain upmarket, vintage-style shop (you know the one I mean!)?

Love, Liz


Used-to-Bees said…
Very funny! I don't know how long you've been married now, but that washing up must be stacking up! (I wouldn't be able to use them either - such an individual and smile-worthy gift!)
Deborah said…
Great post! love the stripes :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Alix - you are right, its been over 30 years, so must get round to all that washing up sometime!
Glad I didn't use them - maybe, one day I can pass them on ... ;)
blackenpot said…
What a lovely idea!And the verse, I loved it!

Enjoy you washing up.
Paulette said…
I love them and the poem on the card is great.
Betty said…
Ah yes, I remember these, I'll be celebrating my 27th wedding anniversary this year. These little dishcloth bloomers were always good for getting giggles at bridal showers back then. Thanks for the sweet memories. Warm Hugs,
Little Nell said…
Very unusual, but I hope it wasn’t a comment on what married life had in store for you!
Kandi said…
Not seen these for years, brilliant gift idea
Kandi x
Vintage Jane said…
What a lovely gift from your granny!! My dear gran used to make me the most gorgeous bedsocks! M x
Nelly said…
LOL I used to make these out of hankies Always makes me laugh to see them.
How cute! Your Granny had a great sense of humor!
Claire said…
Hehe....your gran has a sense of humour, doesn't she.
Took me a minute to figure it out as I looked at the pic thinking 'what the heck?'
Love the little verse, something you'll always remember about your gran.

Claire :}
Catherine said…
Such fun and good idea! Good week end Catherine
haizi daizi said…
What a great idea (very sensible), and a lovely reminder of how times have changed. Haizi
Unknown said…
I love them ....Definitely would be a
small fortune ,youre right Liz.
The verse is soo funny,I couldn't bare to pull them apart either :)
XX Manda XX
That is the cutest wedding present I've ever seen! What a lovely thing to have.

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