Gold and White China

My Mum wasn't the sort of person to keep "things"!  If something had outlived its usefulness, then it was given away or thrown out.  I have very few items which belonged to her or my Granny.  But I do have these!

Not sure whose they were.  Mum liked "modern" things, so I think these must have been hidden away in a cupboard somewhere.  I think they are beautiful.  They must have meant something to her, otherwise she would never have kept them. 

Don't think its her wedding china - a bit too old-fashioned for her taste.  Perhaps they were given to her by someone - I'll never know now.

They are by James Kent Ltd and the pattern is Balmoral.  I only have these two pieces.

Thought they looked nice with my gold and white cake stand.

Added a few more vintage bits and pieces.

They are all by different makers, but just look so pretty when grouped together.

Love, Liz


They look gorgeous together! I love the floral edging on those pieces.
Anonymous said…
they are all gorgeous pieces especially the jug and sugar bowl you are lucky to have such pretty pieces to remember your mum by .
maybe its a good thing they were never used so they were kept in such lovely condition for you
xx fee
Karen S Booth said…
I now have total china envy Liz! Those are beauteous china items!
Mum said…
They look as if they all belong together, don't they?
Love from Mum
Catherine said…
I love them. I am going china hunting on Saturday, i need a new place to keep them now!
Scarlett said…
These are all beautiful and look so at home all together, what a lovely set of china :o) Scarlett x
Nelly said…
I love them your lucky you have something of your grans.
Claire said…
Hey Liz what a lovely collection of china, beautiful pieces. the sugar bowl and milk jug are so sweet.
I have a soft spot for floral china and have a few bits and pieces tucked away in a dresser. Unfortunately, it's not an open fronted dresser where I can display everything, but at least they're dust free. hehehe....

Do you use your china often or is it kept for best?

Claire :}

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