Complicated Knits!

I found some old knitting patterns in the charity shop today (well ........two!).

Love this one - presented with the People's Friend - my Mum and Gran used to read that!

Very complicated glove pattern, knit on four needles - ages since I've used four needles, would really have to concentrate on that one!

What a cute cap!

I'm sure these socks would be very itchy and scratchy - but the wee laddie looks happy enough.  Wonder what they bribed him with to make him smile?

The other pattern was for tops.  Shame they cut off the heads!

Love, Liz


Vintage Jane said…
I love the tank tops and would be quite happy to wear one now! The boy with the socks is so funny. M x
Kylie said…
Those gloves are lovely Liz as is the little cap. Only bought gloves for me I'm knitting "prowess" is limited to plain! Nothing plain about thse gloves!
Deborah said…
Great find, I love old/vintage books and crafts :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
sara said…
Love all these vintage patterns, I've inherited quite a few from my grandma who was a great knitter and have often toyed with the idea of knitting up one of them.......but my goodness the sizing is so small on them.......I'd have to loose loads of weight or knit a size 20.

lily x
Scarlett said…
Those socks are incredible! They must ve a nightmare to wear if the wool gets stretched! Scarlett x

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