A Few Days Away

I've just come back from a few days away - guess where?

Brilliant city!

Wonderful people!

Had a fantastic time!

Yup - its Liverpool!

I promise to catch up with all your blogs very soon.

Love, Liz


Mum said…
I remember visiting the Catholic cathedral when it was newly built on a school trip. It was lovely then. Sounds like you had a fabulous time.
Love from Mum
Karen S Booth said…
LOVELY photos and Liverpool is a VERY interesting and attractive city too.
Choclette said…
I was really impressed with Liverpool when I visited on a work conference a couple of years ago. I wasn't expecting that.
blackenpot said…
The last time I was in Liverpool was in the early 60's
A lot has changed since then.

Thank you for sharing.
I love to tune-in to your blog because it makes me feel as if I'm visiting all of these fantastic places, too!

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