Collins Magazine for Boys and Girls

I have a couple of copies of Collins Magazine For Boys and Girls from 1948 and 1949.  They are great magazines, obviously designed for children who like reading and are curious about the world around them.  But I think that the best thing about these magazines is the cover illustrations by John Verney.

Remember to click on pics for more detail.

Just look at the detail in this cover from 1949.

I love this because I think it contains just about every Scottish cliché you could ever come up with - see if you can spot (among other things) haggis, Scott Monument, grouse, thistle, piper, Edinburgh Castle, sporran, bottles (of whisky I assume) ... the list goes on.

How wonderful are these!

The second cover is from 1948 and is of a farmyard.

Again, the amount of detail is absolutely amazing!

This is my favourite ..... ouch!

John Verney seems to have had quite an interesting life.  You can read about him here - the Independent newspaper's obituary.

I'll tell you more about this fantastic magazine in a later post.

Love, Liz


Such great illustrations - so much going on, so perfect for children to pore over. I don't see the deep fryed mars bar anywhere though! ;-)
Unknown said…
DO you leave these out for display? They are reall terrific. You should.
keshling said…
I love illustrations, they really make a book or article for me. My degree is in Fine Art but it was a hard decision to do that rather than Illustration. These two are real fun examples.

K xx
Unknown said…
What beautiful drawings, the love and time that went into the designs is amazing.

These magazines are treasures!

big hug,
Mum said…
I've never heard of this magazine before but I agree with you that the detailing is absolutely wonderful. So much going on that you could sit and look at it for hours and yet still find something new.
Love from Mum
VintageVicki said…
Wonderful illustrations - such detail - am sure you'd see something new each time you looked :)
Lakota - you are right - there aren't any deep fried mars bars! Probably already eaten!
Thanks everyone for your comments.
Used-to-Bees said…
I love illustrations like these where you can just keep looking and finding something you didn't spot before. The illustrator must've had such fun coming up with all the things to include!
blackenpot said…
Those old magazine are absolutly beautifully illustrated.

I love to browse through old stuff like that.

Thank you for sharing.
Absolutely brilliant!!!So many things for kids to find in there. So many details.
The detail and humour in the pictures are wonderful. You want to keep looking for something else. Super!
haizi daizi said…
Lovely illustrations with so much detail. The artist manages to draw you into the story without needing to use any words.

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