My Choice Vintage

I like to occasionally change the accent colours in my kitchen, and this time of year is the perfect time to do that.  Red is my current choice and I was searching about online to find a pretty tablecloth that would look good in my kitchen.  Then quite by chance I was rummaging through my box of vintage linen treasures when I found this gorgeous tablecloth.

Made in Ireland by "My Choice", it was still in its crinkly cellophane cover which fell apart as I lifted it from the box.  Some would say that vintage finds should be left as they are, but I would much rather put it to good use - doing what it was designed to do - covering my kitchen table.

I absolutely love it and it fits the table perfectly!  (Probably should have ironed it before taking photographs!)

It has been a while since I last blogged and to be honest it has been a very rough couple of months.  However if these last few months have taught me anything it is that we, no matter what our age, really need the company of others!  Friends and family are so important and vital for our well-being.  Getting out and about and making ourselves take up opportunities which present themselves is part of what it means to have a decent quality of life.  It is so easy to blog about pretty things and make it sound like life is just perfect and that does serve a purpose, but occasionally it is good to face reality and know that life is not always picture perfect.  I'm going to keep blogging about pretty things and crafting - which has kept me going recently.  Sometimes it is hard to see the light a the end of the tunnel, but it is there and sometimes, when we get there we realise that it burns brighter than it did before.  Keep well, my friends.


Linda said…
Very interesting post. I love your tablecloth and china. I find myself trying to create beauty to keep me going. It helps with all of the horrible things he going on in the world and lonliness. My creations are in the form of cross stitch and cookies. I try to have fresh cut flowers as often as possible and use my good china.
NanaDiana said…
I love that tablecloth! It's beautiful. I think it is important to have friends that we can reach out to--and family, too, when available. I think as we get older we sometimes sink into loneliness and that is not good.
Beautiful post--keep blogging--it's a great connection. Hugs- Diana
Heritage Hall said…
Oh Liz, so glad you rescued that lovely
tablecloth for today, a time when such
uplifting is needed. The whole setting is perfection. When it is darkest, the
light seems even brighter. May it shine on you, dear one. I so enjoy your
blog and look forward to your happy
entries, especially the Santa Clauses.
Keep shining.

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