Remember Tank Tops?

I remember tank tops well!  I got my Mum to knit me one of these - probably in the 70s.  Doesn't this knitting pattern bring back memories!

My tank top was in a variegated pink yarn and I loved it.  Worn with Oxford bags - they were what we called big wide legged trousers back in the 70s.  Underneath the tank top I wore a white blouse with enormous pointed collar.  Wish I still had a photo!  I thought I looked fab!

I also came across this knitting pattern from the 50s.  I suppose a slipover was that era's variation on a theme.

These headless ladies look so classy, don't they?

Ah, memories!  Did you wear a tank top in the 70s?

Love, Liz


NanaDiana said…
I remember those well! The big thing in my area was to have one knitted out of angora yarn...and then those girls that were 'going steady' would wrap that same yarn around their boyfriend's class rings and either wear it on their finger or wear it on a chain around their neck. Fun memories. xo Diana
Heritage Hall said…
Lower right of the four looks very interesting and practical....
Oh yes, I remember them so well. I actually got my Mum to knit one for me too, and I recall my little sister having a very cute crocheted one. xxx
Fat Dormouse said…
I had a tank top with short sleeves - brown with orange & yellow stripes around the neck & sleeves. I wore it with a big sleeved shirt that sort of "blossomed" out from the sleeves of the tank top. I was the bees knees and the cat's pyjamas all rolled into one! (in my opinion then!)

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