Bringing it all together

Fully finished all my little summer smalls into pillows.

Put them all together on my bureau with some other little stitchy bits and pieces.

Checked the fairy lights which have been redundant for five months - yup, still working.

Aren't these little ladies just so cute together!?

All set for darker evenings.

We all need a little sparkle in our lives!

If you would like to know where the patterns come from check my previous post here.

Love, Liz


What a lovely display, Liz! xxx
Another fabulous and fun vignette, Liz and oh yes those little ladies are the cutest in pin,. I adore the twinkle light and yes, everyone needs a little sparkle. Thank you so much for including Grandmas' Sewing basket in your summer smalls. Your stitching is gorgeous.
Catherine said…
So cute! Very nice display

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