Stitch in time

Isn't this fabric fabulous!  I don't know what it is about these two colours, teal and pink, that really attracts me.  I love them.

The fabric is full of pictures of little bits and pieces of vintage sewing things - buttons, scissors, thread, pin cushions and lovely ladies.  I think the name of the fabric is Stitch In Time Montage.  I have an idea of what I'm going to make with it.

Love how these DMC threads just go perfectly with the fabric.  Also treated myself to a new pair of embroidery scissors - you can never have too many of those!  Have a great week!

Love, Liz


Kim said…
Oh yes, one can never have too many embroidery scissors....nor pretty fabric....nor threads. The fabric is darling. So very vintage. Pink and teal are always the best of friends. Enjoy playing!
That fabric is delightful, and I can't wait see what you'll be using it for! xxx
Christine M said…
I love that fabric. Will have to see if I can find it in Australia.

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