Reframing my vintage sampler

I'd been meaning to reframe my vintage sampler for quite a while (click on link to find out how I found it).  I was slightly afraid to take it out of its old frame in case it was heavily pinned and laced at the back and I might ruin it by taking it out.  I was relieved to find that it was not laced or pinned, nor even stuck down.  It was just held in place by the glass and some cardboard on the back.  Phew!!!!

The back of the sampler.

What a wonderful sight it was out of its frame.  I was able to look at the back and see how bright the colours had been before it had been put on display and faded.  Aren't these colours wonderful!?

It was then easy to place my sampler in its new frame.  I've placed it on the wall above my vintage Singer sewing machine.  I am going to add some of my own stitched pieces beside it to fill the wall up a bit more.

After all these months of being a scaredy-cat, I'm so relieved to show off my vintage find properly.  I hope Maggie H M Fraser, who stitched the sampler, would approve.

Love, Liz


Phew, what a relief that must have been! I'm absolutely loving it in its new frame and hung up in your sewing corner! xxx

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