Do you like a mystery?

If you like a mystery - especially a historical mystery or a museum mystery - then you might enjoy a couple of posts on my local history blog - The Greenockian.

Visiting our local museum - the McLean Museum, part of the Watt Institute, Kelly Street, Greenock - I was puzzled (and intrigued) by a few of the exhibits I came across and tried my best to find out more.

The first one involves this interesting work or art entitled "The Children of Greenock" by Mike McDonnell - Greenock artist,  which appears in an exhibit of Greenock shipbuilding items.  Read all about it here.

The second mystery is entitled Mysteries at the McLean - the Wooden Spoon.  What has a wooden spoon got to do with Greenock's sugar trade?  (Hint - it has nothing to do with baking!)  Find out here.

I've got a few more Mysteries at the McLean that I am trying to research.  Look out for more in the future!

Love, Liz


Terra said…
Interesting scene in the shadow box and such a spoon of mystery.
NanaDiana said…
I do love a mystery! Aren't museums amazing when you look at all the little mysteries they have to offer? Hugs- Diana
Now I am intrigued and must hop over to your local history blog! xxx
Interesting post and so intriguing! Amanda x

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