Vintage Christening Gown

I came across this vintage christening gown recently.  It is a bit the worse for wear, but still quite sweet.  It has a layer of netting over a satin base which has a sweet pattern.

I also have a photograph of a baby wearing this christening gown.  I know the two are connected because the baby is me!!!!!

So that obviously makes the christening gown vintage - sad to say!  The reason it is in such a sorry state is that my Mum gave it to me to use as a dress for my dolls.  It has been washed numerous times and I found it when I was clearing out recently.

I remembered that I had a photograph of myself in the gown.  I've put them away together so that if anyone comes across them in the future they will know why the gown was kept all these years.

Love, Liz


busybusybeejay said…
Love that.How really special are the photo and the christening gown.Lucky you.
Oh how absolutely delightful! Although I don't have my own Christening gown, I was given those of my husband's older brother and sister, dating from the late 1920s, early 1930s. They're exquisite, like yours! xxx
Christine M said…
You look gorgeous in your christening gown. I still have mine. It was hand made by a 90 year old lady for me. So it's 58 years old! My brothers and I wore it and then my three sons did. It is put away ready for my hopefully some future grand children.

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