Once loved linen

Once upon a time someone embroidered this lovely piece of linen.  I'm sure they were very proud of it - just like I am of my stitched pieces today.  I'm now the lucky owner of this.  Just look at how vibrant the colours are after all this time.

On the underside you can see the traces of one of those blue transfer papers.  It was probably used as a tray cloth.

I love mixing and matching my vintage china with these once loved embroidery pieces.

The colours make my heart happy on these dreich, dreary winter days.

What is making your heart happy today?

Love, Liz


Sue in Suffolk said…
My mum had tray cloths - long gone sadly. Now no one would have a clue what on earth they were!
Oh, that is such a stunning piece, Liz, and I'm glad it got a loving home with you, who appreciates such things! xxx
busybusybeejay said…
I just love those images.Blasts from the past.I know what tray cloths are!!
50 and counting said…
I rescue embroidered linens whenever I see them. I love to use them. I've even bought half finished cloths and finished them up myself. Hopefully, they resemble what the original craftswoman had intended.

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