Step back in time

If you are looking for some great reads for the weekend, then look no further than these two fabulous books.  

I've just finished Heartstone by C J Sansom - the fifth book in the Shardlake series - and it was brilliant!  Set in Tudor England of 1545 it follows the adventure of lawyer Matthew Shardlake and his assistant Jack Barak as they try to solve several cases.  Henry VIII's warship the Mary Rose is fabulously described as Shardlake's enquiries lead him to Portsmouth.  In my opinion Heartstone is the best of the series, so far.

Another great book is The Haunting of Thores-Cross by Karen Perkins.  Described as a Yorkshire ghost story it it set in modern times but also takes us back to a small village in North Yorkshire in the 1770s.  I could not put this book down!  I won't tell you anything about the story and spoil it, but I loved it. (If you like Barbara Erskine books then I think you'll enjoy this.)

I'm sure I wrote down this author's name after reading a recommendation on someone's blog.  I'm sorry that I can't remember whose, but thank you for recommending this wonderful book.

I've already got the next Shardlake book - Lamentation - ready to start this weekend.  I'm really trying to pace myself and not read too quickly as there's only one more after this one!  I'm also going to get another of Karen Perkins books.  So please - keep blogging book recommendations.  I'm sure we all have a wee bit more time to read at the moment and it's great to have a few book in reserve.

Love, Liz


Catherine said...

Hello Liz
Thank you for your visit and comment.
At the moment I am reading « Tracy Chevalier » » Tthe embroiderer of Winchester » she writes historical novels. I have red all of her novels one was
About Suffragettes in London.
Good reading!
Take care

Olde Dame Holly said...

Now, those books look just like the kind I love. I am going to see if our used book store might have them. It's a very active store.

Granny Marigold said...

I just checked if our local library has The Haunting of Thores-Cross and to my disappointment they don't. It sounds very interesting.

Polyester Princess said...

Intrigued by those books, especially the second one. Will keep an eye out for them in the charity shops! xxx

Maggie said...

I have a couple of the Shardlake series on my bookshelf but haven't got round to them. Have never heard of the other author so will investigate. Always good to have book recommendations, so thank you

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